Thursday, April 10, 2008

Movies. Movies.

Definitely Maybe. That the title of the movie la. the latest movie from Ryan Reynolds. no action just romance and comedy on this one.

Of course the latest from Keanu Reeves, Forest Whitaker and Chris Evans is on the screen this week. but I doubt that it'd do any better than last weeks movie cos it's not exactly the spring break or Summer blockbuster cup of tea.

If you are looking for some querky movie there's 2 coming out this week. which is "Flight of the Red Balloon" and "My Blueberry Night". the first is the french movie by the famous Juliette Binoche, but it's a french movie by a chinese director. very very sensual and independance. the latter also is by a chinese director, the famous Wong Kar Wai, the director have break all barrier from Chinese to any European market winning awards. and his film as always is totally an art and redifine film as the 3 art to be discover by mankind. But still the US as always is stubburn to accept outsider and refusing and prolong the process of film to be declare as an important artistry for human being. the Film stars the Famous Jude Law and the songstress Norah Jones. it's very artsy so those people looking for mean sex or action dun go there. HAHA. This one is purely for Art admirer and independance movie lover.

As I say last week, The Ruins is on the the block this week. and so do one comedy called "Sex and Death 101" starring the sexy Simon Baker and the "Half-Sexy" Wynona Rider. It's more of a comedy than love story. so the spring is in the air. AHhhhhh....... HAHA I still can't recover from the misfortune of miss Rider from previous year. sorry.

Smart People is open starring the hot hot (not sexy hot, but oven bake hot bread kinda hot) Juno's star Ellen Page and Sarah Jessica Parker. Just another love, family comedy. continue with the spring theme. if it's a bonus or a bummer, Ellen kiss a much much older man in the movie. and not a handsome one too HAHA. Guess who she kiss?

A really strange but inspring movie is "The Visitor". I'm not giving out the plot. but i think it's a pretty moving and happy movie to watch.

of course last but not least..... "Prom Night"? there's just this strange trend. after "I know what you did last summer" there's just this crazy idea from the company to come out with at least one horror thriller every spring and summer. come on it's not exactly fresh bread anymore. and the over is getting dull and darker by the year too.

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