Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Art of an Album

As we all know. nowadays no one really buys album anymore. we either download one single that we heard from the radio or we just buys single. no one buys album anymore.

A couple of my friends once ask me how I actually know which artist is great or how are they going to evolves.
OK. now here's the deal. the music industry works like this. the Artist doesn't really come out of a cave suddenly with a record.
Most artist uses about 2-3 years on their first album. with rigarous promotion when they release their debut. so if the first album actually sells millions then they get the second and third contract.
which is why the first album usually is the indicator of how good the artist is and then the rest is just a continuation or the evolution of the artist. some comes out with an album every year and some about the same period as how they did their first album. but usually the release of the 2nd album or the next is delayed not because how much time they are working on the songs or rather they are on the road promoting their first album or doing concert tour. so when we are still having fun with the first album the artist is actually in the process or producing the new album already.

so we come back to the question. how we know how good the artist is. usually the artist is oversight when you just listen to the hits they make. when you actually listen to a concept of an album you get a wider range of how good/bad the artist is. and you'd know which style of songs when they did it would sound great and which wouldn't. of course most people would stick with the Hits formula. about what sales before must sale now. If the marketing staff of the artist actually think like this then you are dead wrong. do not under-estimate the multiple flavor that the audience have in their mind. if you follow the formula of the first album without any changes then you'd generate no hype on the second album. usually the second album sales is the after effect of concerntrated concerts date and promotion tour of the first album. so if the second album cannot stand on it's own then you won't get the thrid one to roll even. of course as I say since no one ever really listen to the whole album anymore. then the success of an album or sales actually is the first hits that comes out from the album. if it's a hype the first week. then there's a sales if not then there'd seldom be enough momnetum to move on to the second single.

Sales analysis aside. actually every artist have deeper talent than usually what audience hear in the charts. which is why i like album. you actually enjoy more. so what if it's not exactly a hits you heard like everyone else. that's exactly what i enjoy. i know something that is not superficial or in an awkward kinda way to say it, I discover myself.

Oh one more thing is that if an album actually show that the artist only have one range of music the whole album usually they won't get through their 3rd album. except is the artist have enough promotional circuit on the running mill.
So for those adventurous people out there. try buying an album and you'll discover a whole new world of the artist you like.

I'm on the track of One Republic, Jonas Brothers and US 5 lately. the previous 2 bands I've review before and they are likely to stay on track for the next cuople of years to come.
One Republic is slowly gaining ground. Because their hits is a bit dark and soulful and not jumpie like Maroon 5's they'd make it a bit slower. but with Giant producer on their back .they'd not fail off fast. As for Jonas Brothers they'd likely ride the teen fanatics waves for ages to come. they are really like Hanson of our teens. there's no doubt now after hearing their album. though they might want to diversify their song style. but they are going to be fine for the next few years.

US 5 might be a less well-known band. It's actually is the least instrumental of all the bands. since they run the formula of Backstreet Boys and NSync to start in the European and Asia Market first. they are likely to make the hype is the U.S. least at the moment. they are as their predecessor a Dance and singing group. The European are taking them into their arms pretty quickly actually because there's no NSync or Backstreet Boys on the scene for the teenager world there for ages now. so a boys band would work now. Taking over the Baton now. But one thing though. can the producer or management of the group have a more modern touch? because the leather jackets and jeans are so NKOTB-ish. It's about time to move out of the time warp already don't you think?

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