Well, another months ending and another begin. So does the returning of the new Artists.
To tell the truth there’s a slow down on people who come to the space and coming to mySpace. It is a blessing in disguise actually. It’s be a hectic couple of month, opening the Blog as an online mag, getting all the artist in mySpace. I was trying to get to know the new people and keeping in touch with the old one. I’m terribly sorry I can’t keep up with all of you because there’s so many new people coming in everyday. And since they are slowing down for the couple of days after the Olympics, (I guess you guys are not as interested in Olympics compare to Music. It’s fine, it’s what I’m interested in and I get to share it with you all, that’s what’s important.)And it give me a great chance to catch up with some friends and then really get through all the info and enjoying the work of the others truly and taking the time to listen to them clearly. I have missed out some artist for the past months I may have a chance to include them in this time. And for those who requested for a review or interview. I’ll get to it as soon as Possible. It’s been a crazy week to go out of the circle and into the sports world and then back.
First up with the be newest addition to mySpace, Robert Pierre. He is young, energetic, called himself Christian Recording Artist. But the latest music seem much more pop than religious. But it is a great effort at such a young age. Anyone that has followed my Blog will know. I might replace my grammar for a more casual and web-talk but the introduction of the New Artist is never below any good grade. I never talk trash or gossip. But as music concern I can’t compromise, you are good when you are and if you are not you will not be featured until you are better. So Robert, I think he have presented his range of singing after his voice change and I think they have mature beautifully and fit for a tween ear completely at the moment. To start enjoying the new and old of Robert, Go to http://www.myspace.com/robertpierre
Next up will be a group of youngster, Memphis Rascal. They are really young. I think probably the same age as the Jonas. It’s a bit of a acoustic bubble pop sound. The arrangement of their Acapella is more unison and perfect match. It might be too matchy-match for your taste. But I think the composition of the songs and the guitar are far too advanced for that age and I love the artistic side of all the songs. They may seem young but they are surely no chicken little. In fact there’s nothing little about their work, it’s more, as their name suggested, Memphis, country, folk, the word I’m searching for should be, down to earth and not lame. That’s one sentence. Yes. Well, check them out and you’ll know what I mean. You’ll find them in http://www.myspace.com/memphisrascals
While we are on the subject of the matter, I think there’s one show on broadway that you all should have a look at. There’s this one young actor in cable show “Weed”, Hunter Parrish, he just make a debut in the broadway show, Spring Awakening. Besides that he is a totally great to look at and a great charisma. He is young and totally hyped and his singing voice is great. Being a cable actor gave him a lot of freedom to do anything that could truly nurtured a great actor. No less this Broadway show is not less of that controversial moment. Yup you got it, teenager is prohibited as the show like Daniel Radcliffe’s Equus is for 18 and above only as there are live nude scene (in fact sex scene) on stage. The story is about teenager Sexual Curiosity, and though it’s not exactly a focus on the singing. Hunter’s voice is so great and powerful, you just can’t watch the show without mentioning it. I got no site for you to go to see or hear him but I heard there’s a rumor he is going to have a debut Album done soon. Keep your finger cross then.
On a freak day when the Olympic started I got something like 7 request to add to mySpace that day. And all are great artist. So I thought I’d feature a few of them after the games ended.
Flux Theory is one of them. Their sound is a bit like the Simple Plan, Rocky, energetic, heartache HAHA! Yet good. It’s a bit shouty as all rock band do but this one they are right on target. Go check em out and you’ll see, http://www.myspace.com/fluxtheoryWell, we now move into the realm of a more foreign culture. When I was in Athens I got to know about a culture and a totally exotic and interesting language. Greek. The singing is a mix of beats and sound and it’s a bit like latin online smoother and softer. And now I heard from a great singer named Nova. It’s Arabic. Which I find is one of the most amazing language to be presented in a pop music style. Because you can hear so little of this language in music, not to mention a women singing it. It’s simply captivating to hear it. Just like the first time I watched the Arabic X-Factor and saw Muhammad Al thaub winning. It’s such a great language and difficult language to master and not to say sing it. I love it. And to have a mix of Rap and everything to it. It’s simply irresistible. Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/novaonthenet
On the same day, I actually got one of the previous season’s American Idol contestants, George Trice on my request roaster. If you read my Blog you’ll know that I’m a bit of an American Idol supporter here. Many artist I first started look into is AI contestant. And I find that many contestant may not be AI final 2 material, but they are no less a great singer. Just that it’s not their moment then. Besides, the AI mould does not really fit everyone. It’s more like Disney, they cater for a certain range of audience and they have their own ideal. So you won’t find someone like Snoop Dog or Eminem in the mix. But that doesn’t means that their music are no great. They just need that one break. Same to George. Hs still got that voice. Just need to find that right style that fits perfectly. And this one is just right on the mark. Check out his album at http://www.myspace.com/georgetricemusic
Another great sound I think is Second Chances A.K.A. Kyle Segars. He have this rough, ragged yet not hard to the ear music. Of course such style can only be achieved with guitar. Piano is too elegant to be in this mix. Yet I love those touches in this kinda music. Because it makes it more romantic and captivating when they turn the voice to a softer note and making that moment the diamond in the rough. So check him out at http://www.myspace.com/secondchancesmusic and Hard Rock Memphis on 9/5.
Well, Last but not least I’d like to introduce a great artist Joseph Carroll. Now this is another kinda rough. What you’ll find in his web site is great music with a rough mix. It’s more on demo mode. But the compositions of the songs are impeccable. What the American offend mistaken is that they are in one of the largest country in the world and so they have much more competition in the country and have to fight for that spot. But it is art we are talking about here. We don’t and are not looking for that one style. Any style you do well you can do it. And there’s a larger world than just USA out there and plenty more people with different culture and mind would appreciate your work if you just have enough courage to walk out of that border and reach out to the world and join this global village. I find Joseph’s Style is just the right demo for it. It’s a good demo, yes it may not be pop, but folk is not so bad and I find that querkiness of some of the arrangement is much more interesting and create some kinda of peacefulness at times when I needed them. So I say well done and check out this true diamond in the rough, Joseph Carroll, http://www.myspace.com/joecarroll1989
Friday, August 29, 2008
New Artist of the Month of August
Short Story : The Day We Left

“Mom been sleeping in the bed for the past four months, I don’t know what is she thinking now or where is her mind. I have been trying to get through to her, though she responses every time I feed her or bring her to sit up for book reading, but her expression is not here, she is not with me her, she is somewhere else.”, Kathleen keep thinking on the kitchen round table. “I have lost her forever.”
After the accident, Wilma has not been in the same state as where everyone is. The shock has pushes her so back into her own mind. She is living with her memories now.
From the moment of the impact, she has left her body and gone into the light. This light blurring bright at first brought her into this place. Where the green is greener, the red is redder and the dusk seems orange-er. There are all the people in dresses and suits in the park, kids playing and running around. Wil… saw Sam, in his army uniform, kissing the cheek of her, she still remember the warm lips of Sam touching her cheek. Unconsciously, Wilma caresses her cheek to remember more of the feeling, and yet she found a single drop of tear in trickling down her face. Why is she crying? Suddenly she is in the darkness, Sam in running across the field, there are loud sound chasing him. “Run Sam, faster, Run…..,” Sam was about to reach Wilma when he suddenly drop to the muddy ground and lie motionless. “Wake up, Wake up Sam! Sam.”
She is standing now back on a screen door, there is the green car outside on the porch with 2 officers walking towards the house. “Mam, Wilma,” “It’s Elliot, No, he promise he’ll never come over no matter what happen, he’ll never come over, No!” “Elliot, Please don’t, don’t you dare come near this house.” “I’m sorry Wilma, he is not coming home. I’m sorry!” “Oh, Elliot…. No!!!”, As she saw her young self cry uncontrollably, she can’t help herself from weeping now.
“Elliot, how are you?”
“Wilma, it’s 4th of July, come on, let’s go out to the beach and watch the firework.”
“I… don’t know if I want to.”
“Come on. It’d be fun.”
“See! There’s nothing wrong!”
“Elliot, I can’t, Sam...”
“I’m not asking you to forget him. Wilma, I love him too, but he is no longer here, I am. I promise I’ll take care of you and now forever I will. I promise.”
“Oh, Elliot!”
Wilma just couldn’t stop herself from crying. Sam is her first love, yet, Elliot is the one.
A smile appears on her face, Sammy and Kathleen, “You two, now don’t run like that, you are going to hurt somebody like that.”
Sam walks through the door. Wilma cannot stop admiring how handsome he is even in his sweaty workmen jeans. He looks much handsome everyday. “I’m falling head over heels here.”
The kids grabbing Sam’s leg and wouldn’t let go. Carrying them one in each arms, he stumble over the kitchen counter and gave Wilma a kiss.
“You know that would be our star. That spot there, that’s ours.” Sitting on the front porch in the swinger, they sat. “It seems forever and forever we can be there.”
“It is time to leave my love”
Wilma turn and Sam and Elliot are both standing behind her. “Have I?”
“Come on Wilma. You need to say Goodbye.”
Kathleen is sitting beside Wilma.
Wilma touches Kath face, slowly. “I Love you Kathleen, I will always be here.”
Kathleen touches her face just where Wilma hands caresses.
“That would be all, Wilma. She will be alright.”
“Alright… Good Bye Baby Kate. Take care of your brother. Will we be seeing them again?”
“Sure you can see her anytime you want. And she will meet us again. We’ll come together.”
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Olympics Closing Ceremony

Yesterday mark the last day of the Olympic games, The games is finally over and I can’t stop myself from reminiscing and taking a sad breather of the final moment. Similar to the opening, closing started with a round group of drummer, of course the fireworks marks the beginning of the closing ceremony. Dancers in China’s minorities costume came out in gold and dance away with plenty of bells hanging on their dresses, the huge drums round the centre start beating away, and begin their ascent to the air. the dancers again start forming plenty of patterns in the centre of the field as they dances, many resemble to the shape of the sun and in circle to signify, one world one family.

After the first segment of the show, we get into formal business, Athlete start pouring into the field, thanks from the officials for the succession of the games and the exchange of the Olympics games to the next hosting country, London of Great Britain.

Here comes the double decker and Leona Lewis to gives the audience a taste of what’s in the waiting in 4 years time and David Beckam gives the show a star quality kick that signified the kick off of the new games and the end of the London clan show.
Now we will start the real countdown to the closing of the games, a stage that resemblance the boarding platform of airplanes with 3 foreign athletes on top looking reluctant to leave. The screen on the roof top started the recount of the best moment of the games from day one to the last day as the story ended near the flame the flame start to close off. And when the flame is finally stop it’s burn fireworks start blowing and the audience catches off the gifts flame they have and holding them high which means they are taking home the spirit of the games with them with the flame.

Then the stage in the centre of the field begin to rise higher and higher with performer performing the various form of statue in ancient art statue sculpture, the tower also means the spirit of the games rise higher and higher and never stop burn even when the flame has die. It goes on and on, and performer hanging on all corners of the towers start forming the moment of the flame from bottom to the top, running vertical to the top, that’s the vertical 100 m sprint to the top, and also runners rounding the bottom to the top and an finish line form at the top. Then the tower is cover with tangy banners and opens up to the Beijing Olympics symbols that formed by the hanging performers, the red chop with the Chinese character “Jing”. Then the concert and the friendship dance of performers and athlete start and the last fireworks of the games put on the show and that marks the ending of the ceremony. Relatively the closing is short and not as spectacular as it should be cause it is the finishing of the games.

Again our congratulation to the people working in the games, including my big brother. Congratulation to the athletes especially Matthew Mitcham and Michael Phelps.

After the first segment of the show, we get into formal business, Athlete start pouring into the field, thanks from the officials for the succession of the games and the exchange of the Olympics games to the next hosting country, London of Great Britain.

Here comes the double decker and Leona Lewis to gives the audience a taste of what’s in the waiting in 4 years time and David Beckam gives the show a star quality kick that signified the kick off of the new games and the end of the London clan show.
Now we will start the real countdown to the closing of the games, a stage that resemblance the boarding platform of airplanes with 3 foreign athletes on top looking reluctant to leave. The screen on the roof top started the recount of the best moment of the games from day one to the last day as the story ended near the flame the flame start to close off. And when the flame is finally stop it’s burn fireworks start blowing and the audience catches off the gifts flame they have and holding them high which means they are taking home the spirit of the games with them with the flame.

Then the stage in the centre of the field begin to rise higher and higher with performer performing the various form of statue in ancient art statue sculpture, the tower also means the spirit of the games rise higher and higher and never stop burn even when the flame has die. It goes on and on, and performer hanging on all corners of the towers start forming the moment of the flame from bottom to the top, running vertical to the top, that’s the vertical 100 m sprint to the top, and also runners rounding the bottom to the top and an finish line form at the top. Then the tower is cover with tangy banners and opens up to the Beijing Olympics symbols that formed by the hanging performers, the red chop with the Chinese character “Jing”. Then the concert and the friendship dance of performers and athlete start and the last fireworks of the games put on the show and that marks the ending of the ceremony. Relatively the closing is short and not as spectacular as it should be cause it is the finishing of the games.

Again our congratulation to the people working in the games, including my big brother. Congratulation to the athletes especially Matthew Mitcham and Michael Phelps.
Matthew Mitcham for gold in the 16th day of Olympics!!!!

All Cheers for Matthew Mitcham, The first Australian since 1924 to get the gold medal in Olympics men’s diving. Congratulation. Zhou Luxin of China been taking the lead from the beginning, with no dive lower than 90 points with Matthew behind him, near the end of the last round, Zhou is leading with 108 points, and Mitcham best it off with last dive that’s perfect dive of 112.1 points and ended the race with a 4 points lead for Matthew Mitcham. Though it’s a disappointment for China not sweeping the diving event with 8 golds but it is the best moment I’ve ever seen in Diving. A total underdog and unknown taking the gold. All Cheers, Congratulation again Matthew.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Life is such a Jokingly fun thing

Many things could happen in a day’s life, some we simply ignore and some we take for granted and some we care about and some we care too much. Yet when you actually open up your mind you’d find that every simple things would teaches us some simple logical reaction about life. Such as speed bump cross, it’s more or less like any human interaction, you push it too hard, the bang the bump and hurt yourself, else if you cross over softly, there’s nothing much than just that little emotional blockage that you cross softly.
There are a lot of metaphor from all corner that could give us inspiration. There’s not much needed to do really. When you are meeting people, just say hi and how are you. If the person has doubt he/she will make the face, instead of being intimidated, just smile and show your sincerity, if you are truly sincere the person would feel it and let down his /her guard and start talking to you.
Do we need fame, extravagance attraction to actual find a friend? Just be yourself and the rest will fall into places.
I’m starting on a new book lately. In view of my not really that conscious about my own physical being. I decide to get a guide from some doctor. The book is a series of interesting facts about our physical body and how we can maintain it to the optimum. The series is called You, the first book I’m looking at is You, the Owner’s Manual, for our body that is. It explain the way every part of our body function. Some fact we may know already and there’s plenty of interesting facts that we have never thought about and it explain every questions that pop up in my head when I read the part or organ in the chapter. It’s just a fantastic book to teach the real facts about our body and more. There’s also some dietary suggestion and exercise that actually take less than half an hour everyday that we can do to maintain our body to it’s optimum point.
Try it out, some stretches combine with weight lifting and cardio work out for the muscle and then some simple Yoga for the relaxation of mind, body and soul. This is what life should be like. Healthy, happy and consciously working them out one day at a time, the right amount of stress could push us to the top but the “right” amount of stress cold push us to the very limit too and the we break and become hard to go back. It is fine when you do. Just apologize and start moving on. but when you haven’t become insane and out of control, only can you realise the existence of the problem and start the adjustment quickly before everything gone wrong. It’s positive and happiness and Blissfulness that we are seeking. It’s Enthusiasm and not eagerness, it’s Bliss not lust, it’s wealth not greed, it’s health not “empty” fullness, satisfaction not over excessiveness.
It is a feeling, just stay true to your own feelings then you’ll know exactly when you get over board. Best of Luck to you all.
There are a lot of metaphor from all corner that could give us inspiration. There’s not much needed to do really. When you are meeting people, just say hi and how are you. If the person has doubt he/she will make the face, instead of being intimidated, just smile and show your sincerity, if you are truly sincere the person would feel it and let down his /her guard and start talking to you.
Do we need fame, extravagance attraction to actual find a friend? Just be yourself and the rest will fall into places.
I’m starting on a new book lately. In view of my not really that conscious about my own physical being. I decide to get a guide from some doctor. The book is a series of interesting facts about our physical body and how we can maintain it to the optimum. The series is called You, the first book I’m looking at is You, the Owner’s Manual, for our body that is. It explain the way every part of our body function. Some fact we may know already and there’s plenty of interesting facts that we have never thought about and it explain every questions that pop up in my head when I read the part or organ in the chapter. It’s just a fantastic book to teach the real facts about our body and more. There’s also some dietary suggestion and exercise that actually take less than half an hour everyday that we can do to maintain our body to it’s optimum point.
Try it out, some stretches combine with weight lifting and cardio work out for the muscle and then some simple Yoga for the relaxation of mind, body and soul. This is what life should be like. Healthy, happy and consciously working them out one day at a time, the right amount of stress could push us to the top but the “right” amount of stress cold push us to the very limit too and the we break and become hard to go back. It is fine when you do. Just apologize and start moving on. but when you haven’t become insane and out of control, only can you realise the existence of the problem and start the adjustment quickly before everything gone wrong. It’s positive and happiness and Blissfulness that we are seeking. It’s Enthusiasm and not eagerness, it’s Bliss not lust, it’s wealth not greed, it’s health not “empty” fullness, satisfaction not over excessiveness.
It is a feeling, just stay true to your own feelings then you’ll know exactly when you get over board. Best of Luck to you all.
Olympics Day 14th

4 more days to the ending of the Olympics, yesterday marks the greatest battle and the greatest defeat in the Olympics games ever.
In Diving, China’s women 10m Platform dive almost lost her crown reaching the end of the last round of dive. Chen Ruo Lin of China been leading the pack from the start go, but at the 4th round with one more round of dive to go Emilie Heymans catches up to Chen and make the lead with 1 point advantage. In the last round Emilie gave it all and earn an almost perfect dive that makes Chen need to make a perfect dive of at least 90 points to catches on. while everyone is holding their breath in the last dive of the night, Chen make the dive, and it seems that she is not going to make it, she make it with a splash, or in this case, not even a trickle of water came out of the pool surface, and the whole stadium roar. It is the perfect dive and Chen answer to Emilie’s close to 90 points is 100.6 points. Chen’s lead in the end with 10 points lead to take the Gold and keeping the domination of 7 to 7 gold in Diving event for China. Congratulation to the 15 year old. 15 year old, world champion and Olympic Champion.
In the tract and field event, We see the domination of the Jamaican runner and also the falter of many USA team in relay and running event. With The missing Champ Liu Xiang from the 110m hurdle race, the reigning world champ, Cuban Dayron Robles take over the lead trailing by both the US athlete. Men’s 400m we see the domination of the US team on all podium placements. They took all gold, silver and bronze in this event. This is what we wish to see from the US team but that’s about the most glorious as they can get this summer. As coming into the rest of the night, in 4x100m relay, the US men’s was disqualified at the last baton pass, as so the same fate for the US women’s team for a baton drop in the last pass as well. A surprise is that Great Britain also lost it in baton passing. This is most probably the most baton fault I’ve ever seen in any games ever. As for the Jamaican, they took home the 200m women, 400m hurdle women, 200m men. Russian seems to be taking home all jumping event. And the really mix of country winner can only be seen in throwing event, with wide variety of event taken by Belarus, Bulgaria and Estonia. It seems that the great track and field day of the 3 most powerful nations, USA, Great Britain and Russia as gone past and long past. It will be a really tough training ahead for the next 4 years if they want to take back their lead in the track and field event.
In Diving, China’s women 10m Platform dive almost lost her crown reaching the end of the last round of dive. Chen Ruo Lin of China been leading the pack from the start go, but at the 4th round with one more round of dive to go Emilie Heymans catches up to Chen and make the lead with 1 point advantage. In the last round Emilie gave it all and earn an almost perfect dive that makes Chen need to make a perfect dive of at least 90 points to catches on. while everyone is holding their breath in the last dive of the night, Chen make the dive, and it seems that she is not going to make it, she make it with a splash, or in this case, not even a trickle of water came out of the pool surface, and the whole stadium roar. It is the perfect dive and Chen answer to Emilie’s close to 90 points is 100.6 points. Chen’s lead in the end with 10 points lead to take the Gold and keeping the domination of 7 to 7 gold in Diving event for China. Congratulation to the 15 year old. 15 year old, world champion and Olympic Champion.
In the tract and field event, We see the domination of the Jamaican runner and also the falter of many USA team in relay and running event. With The missing Champ Liu Xiang from the 110m hurdle race, the reigning world champ, Cuban Dayron Robles take over the lead trailing by both the US athlete. Men’s 400m we see the domination of the US team on all podium placements. They took all gold, silver and bronze in this event. This is what we wish to see from the US team but that’s about the most glorious as they can get this summer. As coming into the rest of the night, in 4x100m relay, the US men’s was disqualified at the last baton pass, as so the same fate for the US women’s team for a baton drop in the last pass as well. A surprise is that Great Britain also lost it in baton passing. This is most probably the most baton fault I’ve ever seen in any games ever. As for the Jamaican, they took home the 200m women, 400m hurdle women, 200m men. Russian seems to be taking home all jumping event. And the really mix of country winner can only be seen in throwing event, with wide variety of event taken by Belarus, Bulgaria and Estonia. It seems that the great track and field day of the 3 most powerful nations, USA, Great Britain and Russia as gone past and long past. It will be a really tough training ahead for the next 4 years if they want to take back their lead in the track and field event.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Movies Preview on a clash of Titans

What’s on the other end of the kaleidoscope this week?
Well there’s The Strangers, this movie we watch the return of 2 great actors, Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman. You might feel that it’d be a bit boring because there’s only 2 person the whole trip in a hotel then in the town. It’s a lot like House of Wax only this time it started with a much more comfortable state and the scariness as I heard is more of a Saw shock. A little bit of Alfred Hitchcook for the Ghost month?
Of course this week we’ll also see plenty of other ghost story. Like the Ghost House(memory) from Thailand by Ananda Everingham. He can be the most famous Thailand faces besides the fighting guardian Tony Jaa. We have seen Ananda in several Ghost story from Thailand throughout the years, 303, Shutter and plenty more of course. Now here’s another ghost story. I hope one day they will have something dramatic and not scary to the international stage.

Anyway scary movie aside, of course there are some more quality movies coming this week. We have see comedy that’s not exactly doing well in the box office this month, Meet Dave from Eddie Murphy. I think the bad press is really catching up with him. No matter if any of the media extravagances are real or not. It seems that it is taking a toll on his work. Then from the guys that brought us Knocked Up there’s the a bit 40 Years old Virgin type comedy, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. While the state side are smart to stir clear the heavy action summer slot, Malaysian fans seem to have no idea what’s gonna hit them. The comedy is good just that wrong timing. People are just too crowded by all the action to go for this type of movie at the moment. Regardless of what’s the market is in this summer (we continue to see the Dark Knight domination), these are some of the better comedy that’s worth a look.

Alright, everything off and here’s the Biggy for the week. It seems that there’s a bit of a clash between Vin Diesel and Jason Statham this month. With the Death Race opening early this week and Babylon A.D. coming in the corner, There will be another show down of action movie definitely. Both are about action and futuristic they have certainly the most different culture and storyline. Death Race is a bit of the remake of the 1975 Death Race 2000. Since we are already over year 2000, the Death Race is no more about killing civilians but it’s about a bunch of convict that’s racing for their life literally. They are given a chance to wipe a clean slate if they win the race. Of course in every good action movie there’s a plot and conspiracy behind. Might all the convicts be framed into the race?
As for Babylon A.D., a mercenary escorting a lady of New York in a age where everywhere there’s crime everywhere....... the plot, the lady is no ordinary being. Indeed, the person to bring Armageddon to the earth or the next Messiah. If you wish to know the answer earlier, you may try to finish the book Babylon Babies which the movie is adapted from. And I’m sure it’ll blow your brains off even if you have read the book before.
Olympics day 12th

Finally in the end, it’s a great performance for the Chinese and another gold for the diving team. But this time definitely it’s worth the wait and totally is based on great talent. He Chong is the person to beat since the start of the Final of the springboard 3m. From the start his dive is perfect through and through all 6 combinations of dives broke the 90 points mark. And leading the pack the margin between the diver just keep getting larger and larger until the last dive it’s too hard for anyone to even get into the same league of He. Alexandre Despatie did a great job waiving off Qin Kai, and got the Silver and in the end Qin Kai can only manage to snatch the bronze medal. The 3 divers are just excellent in their performance there’s no way that the chasing pack can reach them by the end of the 4th round.

Yesterday also marks the ending for all Artistic Gymnastic Finals. Men’s Gymnastic ended with parallel bar and high bar. It is a shame that Hambuechen again fail to enter the medal in the parallel bar and have to watch the medal slip from his arm while waiting for the other participant beating him down one by one. Yet it’s a celebration finally in the end when Hambuechen started the High Bar with a great performance. Though it’s not his usual exciting and high difficulty performance, but the secure routine have made a great difficult chase for those contestants to follow. But China Zou Kai did present a better routine and beat Hambuchuen in the event. While waiting for the round to be over, USA Jonathan Horton finally make a move to try and over take the leader with a perfect routine that include 3 throw and rotation and hand switch that in my opinion should be the best performance and straight away raise the bar of any follower. Though the rest of the contestant try to defeat Horton with routine that contains almost the same routine, yet one by one they falter. It is a great games to watch the ending of the Gymnastic. China's men team almost sweep off all the finals in this year's Olympics.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Olympics Day 11th
It's been a long while since the last time I've seen any perfect vaulting in the men's gymnastics and also in the men's springboard diving.
but yesterday in both event I saw some of the most amazing skill there.

Men’s vault gymnastic, the best vault is not coming from all three of the medallist. Instead it came from the Romania Athlete, Marian Dragulescu, although he fail badly in the 2nd jump, the first jump to be is a perfect 10. The right move, didn’t sway to the left or right and pin to the ground on landing, not even a hop. It’s been really hard since the Vault have changed into the current form. Thought the mass of the vault have increase it seems that the Athlete were unable to master it since then. Before this the vault we see a lot of perfect 10, now they just over shoot every time. And after the change of the shape of the vault we see a tremendous shuffle of the athlete who can compete in vault. China is not there, Romania hardly present and the German too. Anyway, it’s still a great games yesterday when they are in the Final. They won the games with less fault and consistency in performance. Blanik Lesnek is the last to performa nd he delivered in the end with the same points as Thomas Bouhail of France, and the tie breaker came on the 4th points. In my opinion though. Bouhail gave a perfect performance just that lack of a little bit of grace in the movement. and Russian Anton Golotsutskov who start the events and have to wait the whole way to see who'd beat him, again got a Bronze in addition to his previous Floor medal.
but yesterday in both event I saw some of the most amazing skill there.

Men’s vault gymnastic, the best vault is not coming from all three of the medallist. Instead it came from the Romania Athlete, Marian Dragulescu, although he fail badly in the 2nd jump, the first jump to be is a perfect 10. The right move, didn’t sway to the left or right and pin to the ground on landing, not even a hop. It’s been really hard since the Vault have changed into the current form. Thought the mass of the vault have increase it seems that the Athlete were unable to master it since then. Before this the vault we see a lot of perfect 10, now they just over shoot every time. And after the change of the shape of the vault we see a tremendous shuffle of the athlete who can compete in vault. China is not there, Romania hardly present and the German too. Anyway, it’s still a great games yesterday when they are in the Final. They won the games with less fault and consistency in performance. Blanik Lesnek is the last to performa nd he delivered in the end with the same points as Thomas Bouhail of France, and the tie breaker came on the 4th points. In my opinion though. Bouhail gave a perfect performance just that lack of a little bit of grace in the movement. and Russian Anton Golotsutskov who start the events and have to wait the whole way to see who'd beat him, again got a Bronze in addition to his previous Floor medal.

In the Ring Final we see China's hen Yi Bing did a perfect routine and got his gold beating his fellow country men, all-round champ Yang Wei, Chen's routine was strong, graceful, well-prepared and prefectly executed with a solid landing. That is the most graceful ring I've ever seen in the Games since Sydney.

As for diving, yesterday we see the comeback of Chong He with a 98.8 points dive. A long awaiting perfect 100 from the old golden days. Before his third and last dive he is way back behind the 10th place and then we see a great come back from him with the difficult forward 2 1/2 somersault with three twists in pike position. He is followed by Alexandre Despatie of Canada who also make a great come back since a disastrous 2nd dive and third is Chong’s fellow compatriot Ching Kai. Will we see another clean sweep from China? It is possible now with 2 of the athlete leading in the preliminary. The veteran Dmitry Sautin gave a great fight from the beginning but started losing ground because of the better marks gain by the other Divers. Australia Matthew Mitcham is still hanging in there, and a surprise that Canadian Reuben Daniel Ross is almost out of the race when he is close to the first 5 before the 4th jump.

As for diving, yesterday we see the comeback of Chong He with a 98.8 points dive. A long awaiting perfect 100 from the old golden days. Before his third and last dive he is way back behind the 10th place and then we see a great come back from him with the difficult forward 2 1/2 somersault with three twists in pike position. He is followed by Alexandre Despatie of Canada who also make a great come back since a disastrous 2nd dive and third is Chong’s fellow compatriot Ching Kai. Will we see another clean sweep from China? It is possible now with 2 of the athlete leading in the preliminary. The veteran Dmitry Sautin gave a great fight from the beginning but started losing ground because of the better marks gain by the other Divers. Australia Matthew Mitcham is still hanging in there, and a surprise that Canadian Reuben Daniel Ross is almost out of the race when he is close to the first 5 before the 4th jump.

of course in the Bird Nest everybody is focus on the women's pole vault. the gossip of the alleged cat fight that's settle with the winning of the women of the event, Russian Elena Isinbeava she beat the competition in her first jump, and cross the runner's up US athlete Jennifer Stuczynski and shot her mouth then and there and then continue to break the Olympics Record and the World record. I mean it's sport. Ladies please deal your own emotion with elegance and grace. there's no need to fight. results show it all.
But one bad news from the new stadium is that Liu Xiang who are most covered athlete since the Athens games win is out without clearing even a single hurdle and because of an Archilles injury. I hope that he'll recover well.
Monday, August 18, 2008
New Guy, New Style, and they are totally young
Another Week gone by and it’s time.......... for a change HAHA!
It’s been a while since my last new music blog. It seems that it’s a pattern and I’ll do it about every 10 days. I don’t know why. Off course this month I was very disturbed by the Olympics. Can’t really focus on the music. Yet I can’t feel more connected, because of all the musician that’s starting to appear. And younger and younger they are. Some are really talented, some hide in the shroud of indie or acoustic. And they are all fabulous.

We start with a pretty young but really hip group. The name is Push Play. They are the son of rock and youthfulness. My time way back 10 years ago, Rock is a think for the older folks and the mentally disordered. Now it’s great to see young groups are coming out with their own sound and style. It’s really interesting. If you are looking for a rock group that’s representing your own age, this group is one of them. I think that most boy band is at risk here. Of course in the view of the trend now it’s a bit hard to beat the Jonas. But if you are bored, you might make a change and hear them out at http://www.myspace.com/pushplayrox

But is you are looking for an older look and rougher ride. Jonny Was front by the formerly actor Jonny Was is the group to look out for. Their sound is the modern rock that is both in and rockin. Maybe you’ll find their style a bit varies from the usual rock. They are all electric and all drums, they falls a bit on the heavy rock side but not quite heavy metal. Just the right portion for me actually. What do you think? Check em out at http://www.myspace.com/jonnywas

While I was cruise the “town”, one singer appear on my mail box. Hayes Peebles. His sound is a bit british, he is young and very acoustic and his music is not the smooth singing type. They are a bit RAW. Some may say it’s amateurish. To me, they are angels to my ear. Reason is that some of the songs out there are too engineered for my taste. Sometimes I need to relax and experience something that’s right out of the singer to the mic. A bit of a live show feeling to it. Not perfection yet perfect for the occasion. At times it’s a bit bar time it is. And the guitar sound great. So if you are looking for a little bit of change check out the sound at http://www.myspace.com/hayespeebles

Joe Brooks, what can you say about him? He is completely British, dreamy, softy, totally a master at acoustic. HAHA! He is, his voice is not the perfect singing voice, yet that’s what makes it unique. You just get attracted to that sound the first minute you lend you ears to it. it’s totally addictive, just like any of the Coldplay songs you play. It’s not exactly the usual rounded acoustic mix, it’s even querk-y sometimes, yet, it’s just great to hear the style in a totally different dimension. So if you are looking for something new to dream on this is it. Get a dose of this lay-you-down-softly sleeping pill at http://www.myspace.com/joebrooksmusic

Let’s head back to the main stream. Menudo, I don’t know if you have notice that the old Latin pop group have done a total card shuffle now. Seeing that Ricky Martin and the older member is out of the way. The newly reformed is young and hip. If you are not looking for the rock band type like Push Play and looking for the next dancing boys. They are the right one to look for. Being a latin group of course they have the fan base of the old and new, both the traditional N’sync and backstreet style boys band type and the Latin are totally attracted to this group. To tell the truth I am impress with the singing too. They are far better than the older bands and dance well at this young age and totally crush the Ricky Martin’s era’s gang. They sound great and hip and young and if David Archuleta is not such a ballad crooner his look would fit this group perfectly. And so you’ll get 5 dancing and jumping and singing Davids here. HAHA! Enjoy! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=27269418

Well, Talking about musician, how can we not include someone that’s truly pure music? Andrew Cooper, a really fun musician. His music is playful, young and mystical. You can’t really beat that combination. They are as some comic suggest, as wonderful as any cartoonist background. Remember Pink panther?(no, not the Beyonce’s, the old style HAHA!) the music is more as such only a bit more beepy and cuter. HAHA! At times they are as relaxing as any soft riding songs as if you are drifting in the vast blue ocean. Check em out at http://www.myspace.com/andreascopernacus

Last but not least, Val Emmich, he is by far one of the best musicians I’ve seen this month. Hailing from New Jersey, his sound is as jumpy and the river line. It’s hippy, happy young and speedy HAHA! If you need a emotional boost, he’s the one. You know Panic At the Disco? His style is almost the same, only less dorky and more rocky HAHA! His album will be out this September so remember to take them home for your own enjoyment. Of course it’s not the whole album will be rockin. To be a all rounded artist of course they have to include some great soft rocking ballad. Val’s won’t be too ballady it’s more of a soft rock, so you can rock along with it. very great guitar work and acoustic. Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/valemmich
It’s been a while since my last new music blog. It seems that it’s a pattern and I’ll do it about every 10 days. I don’t know why. Off course this month I was very disturbed by the Olympics. Can’t really focus on the music. Yet I can’t feel more connected, because of all the musician that’s starting to appear. And younger and younger they are. Some are really talented, some hide in the shroud of indie or acoustic. And they are all fabulous.

We start with a pretty young but really hip group. The name is Push Play. They are the son of rock and youthfulness. My time way back 10 years ago, Rock is a think for the older folks and the mentally disordered. Now it’s great to see young groups are coming out with their own sound and style. It’s really interesting. If you are looking for a rock group that’s representing your own age, this group is one of them. I think that most boy band is at risk here. Of course in the view of the trend now it’s a bit hard to beat the Jonas. But if you are bored, you might make a change and hear them out at http://www.myspace.com/pushplayrox

But is you are looking for an older look and rougher ride. Jonny Was front by the formerly actor Jonny Was is the group to look out for. Their sound is the modern rock that is both in and rockin. Maybe you’ll find their style a bit varies from the usual rock. They are all electric and all drums, they falls a bit on the heavy rock side but not quite heavy metal. Just the right portion for me actually. What do you think? Check em out at http://www.myspace.com/jonnywas

While I was cruise the “town”, one singer appear on my mail box. Hayes Peebles. His sound is a bit british, he is young and very acoustic and his music is not the smooth singing type. They are a bit RAW. Some may say it’s amateurish. To me, they are angels to my ear. Reason is that some of the songs out there are too engineered for my taste. Sometimes I need to relax and experience something that’s right out of the singer to the mic. A bit of a live show feeling to it. Not perfection yet perfect for the occasion. At times it’s a bit bar time it is. And the guitar sound great. So if you are looking for a little bit of change check out the sound at http://www.myspace.com/hayespeebles

Joe Brooks, what can you say about him? He is completely British, dreamy, softy, totally a master at acoustic. HAHA! He is, his voice is not the perfect singing voice, yet that’s what makes it unique. You just get attracted to that sound the first minute you lend you ears to it. it’s totally addictive, just like any of the Coldplay songs you play. It’s not exactly the usual rounded acoustic mix, it’s even querk-y sometimes, yet, it’s just great to hear the style in a totally different dimension. So if you are looking for something new to dream on this is it. Get a dose of this lay-you-down-softly sleeping pill at http://www.myspace.com/joebrooksmusic

Let’s head back to the main stream. Menudo, I don’t know if you have notice that the old Latin pop group have done a total card shuffle now. Seeing that Ricky Martin and the older member is out of the way. The newly reformed is young and hip. If you are not looking for the rock band type like Push Play and looking for the next dancing boys. They are the right one to look for. Being a latin group of course they have the fan base of the old and new, both the traditional N’sync and backstreet style boys band type and the Latin are totally attracted to this group. To tell the truth I am impress with the singing too. They are far better than the older bands and dance well at this young age and totally crush the Ricky Martin’s era’s gang. They sound great and hip and young and if David Archuleta is not such a ballad crooner his look would fit this group perfectly. And so you’ll get 5 dancing and jumping and singing Davids here. HAHA! Enjoy! http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=27269418

Well, Talking about musician, how can we not include someone that’s truly pure music? Andrew Cooper, a really fun musician. His music is playful, young and mystical. You can’t really beat that combination. They are as some comic suggest, as wonderful as any cartoonist background. Remember Pink panther?(no, not the Beyonce’s, the old style HAHA!) the music is more as such only a bit more beepy and cuter. HAHA! At times they are as relaxing as any soft riding songs as if you are drifting in the vast blue ocean. Check em out at http://www.myspace.com/andreascopernacus

Last but not least, Val Emmich, he is by far one of the best musicians I’ve seen this month. Hailing from New Jersey, his sound is as jumpy and the river line. It’s hippy, happy young and speedy HAHA! If you need a emotional boost, he’s the one. You know Panic At the Disco? His style is almost the same, only less dorky and more rocky HAHA! His album will be out this September so remember to take them home for your own enjoyment. Of course it’s not the whole album will be rockin. To be a all rounded artist of course they have to include some great soft rocking ballad. Val’s won’t be too ballady it’s more of a soft rock, so you can rock along with it. very great guitar work and acoustic. Check them out at http://www.myspace.com/valemmich
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Bummer and mover and shaker

There’s Good news and there are bad news. In view of a crowded fall movies line up. Harry Potter is bumped to next summer. And the magic continues by another soon to be franchise, Twilight.
While the book has proven to be a really successful franchise, it seems that the studio is eager to create another great franchise to replace the soon-to-be ending wizard world with the vampire saga. Whatever the reason is, it’d be a bummer for the Harry Fans that’s haven’t been converted into the Blood thirsty eclipse gang. We’ll see how the vampire series lead by Robert Pattinson (former a wizard in Harry Potter and died) and Kristen Stewart, fair with the left off Harry fans this fall, whether it’ll be another Harry Potter or Eragon. (not in any way to undermine the success of Eragon, but in movies it does fail to take the leash from Harry Potter. Maybe that’s the reason why the studio wants to avoid the same mistake.)
Would you trade Magic for Blood Sucker? Or will the High School Musical finally make a breakthrough and snatch the golden egg? Well, it’s wasn’t really a threat since the High School clan will not be coming for another term of school after the release of the movie. 3 will be the first and only cinematic outing for the HSM clan, unless there’s a college musical coming.
Anyway one thing is for sure, it seems that the trend for big box office movies have expanded north and south. We are seeing big sales about 2 months before moving into summer and also there will be bigger ones coming this fall, with such teenager angst charged movies coming out.
We audience however shall enjoy the benefit of great entertainment all year long. I’m just wondering how come this year the awards chasing movies haven’t start buzzing yet.
While the book has proven to be a really successful franchise, it seems that the studio is eager to create another great franchise to replace the soon-to-be ending wizard world with the vampire saga. Whatever the reason is, it’d be a bummer for the Harry Fans that’s haven’t been converted into the Blood thirsty eclipse gang. We’ll see how the vampire series lead by Robert Pattinson (former a wizard in Harry Potter and died) and Kristen Stewart, fair with the left off Harry fans this fall, whether it’ll be another Harry Potter or Eragon. (not in any way to undermine the success of Eragon, but in movies it does fail to take the leash from Harry Potter. Maybe that’s the reason why the studio wants to avoid the same mistake.)
Would you trade Magic for Blood Sucker? Or will the High School Musical finally make a breakthrough and snatch the golden egg? Well, it’s wasn’t really a threat since the High School clan will not be coming for another term of school after the release of the movie. 3 will be the first and only cinematic outing for the HSM clan, unless there’s a college musical coming.
Anyway one thing is for sure, it seems that the trend for big box office movies have expanded north and south. We are seeing big sales about 2 months before moving into summer and also there will be bigger ones coming this fall, with such teenager angst charged movies coming out.
We audience however shall enjoy the benefit of great entertainment all year long. I’m just wondering how come this year the awards chasing movies haven’t start buzzing yet.
Great movies comes with great hearts
One of the best quote I’ve ever heard is “When you ask God for greatness, you think that God would hand you greatness or a chance to be Great? When you ask for bravery, you think God will filled you up with bravery or a chance to be brave. And if you ask God for love, you think God would give you warm and fuzzy feeling or a chance to love? And when you ask God to bring your family together, you think What would God show you?”
Ironically they quote come from the comedy “Evan Almighty”. Ironically, I’ve watched 2 best movies I’ve ever watched last weekend, And it’s not in the cinema, it’s the new DVD I just bought. It’s “August Rush” and “Juno”.

August Rush, a little bit of Oliver Twist-y, and a little bit of music genius-y. It is a fusion of the both. You get the best inspiring story of a young kid. Born without knowing about his parents, the only connection he has is his ability to hear music in all sound. Father is a Rocker, Mother is a violinist. The movie tells the story of 2 person who came together and separated by faith, and when their child is born, he is given away. Following his heart and the music, August Rush ran out of his orphanage and into the city. Here he befriended a homeless kid and taken to his gang led by a thug. August showed his talent and the Thug try to exploit it to gain money. Fortunately, when police raided the gang’s hide out August came to a church. Inspired by his talent, the priest helped enrolled August into a prestige music school. While in the school. August composes a great orchestra piece and it’s been suggested to the New York Philharmonic orchestra to perform in the Central Park. Following her heart, August mother came to decide to rejoin the same orchestra for the performance the same night. And his father resigned from his job and rejoin his band in New York the same night. In the end all come together perfectly in the concert, where the three is reunited under the music by August. A Beautiful and inspiring story. No matter the story is real or not, it’s great cinema. There’s enough reality so cinema is as it suppose here, cinematic again.

As for Juno, on the contrary, is as good as it is. The best Script movie. Reality, hardship of life. It shows the perfect combination of love, determination, come of age lesson and family values, peers pressure, marriage and divorces, and of course the main line, premarital and teenage pregnancy. It does present one question though. How old is adult enough. some people is not even grown up when they are 30, some simply need to avoid the responsibility simply because they don’t have the money. So if you have the money, does that makes you a teenager not a good parent later? All that is in question. With close to 30% of black teenagers dropping out of schools and getting pregnant at that age. If makes me wonder, where the line really is drawn? Back to the movie, it is the simplest story line, nothing even fancy and cinematic about it. Yet, because of the writing of the script and the performance of the ensemble, the story has great dynamics that attracts people to watch it.
Well, coming back from DVDs to movies, I’ve actually watched Wall-E and Clone Wars back to back during the weekend. Both movies are great to watch and enjoyable.

Both have their own advantages and tradition. Clone Wars are in full force, the old Star Wars writing. Jedi, Temple, light sabre fights, Tattoine the sand filled planets. It just lack the lust of realistic since it’s animation and all. If you like the Star Wars saga and would like to relive the who culture. This is a good way to go. Jaba the huts little sons been kidnapped and once again Anakin Skywalker to the rescue, in his usual rough tactics that is. As I said, there’s nothing much but reminiscent of some memories.

Wall-E on the other hand is another tradition, the Tradition of Pixar. As usual, it’s as beautiful as any of Pixar animations and as realistic as any smooth old Pixar animation. Aside from the set back that the Robots doesn’t speak a single words for the first 30 minutes. The love story between the robots is believable. And this time to teach human a lesson and show them what people will be like in the future. It’s a good animation and good value. And the story line is good enough. Well-E been cleaning the earth for ages and one day he found love in an Alien Robot. Just to find out it’s sent to earth by human living out of space. And when Wall-E follow her to outerspace to save her. He helped, human to come to realisation and come back to Earth in the end. Of course I’m just leaving out the juicy detail of the whole story here. You’ll have to check it out and have a great trip out of this world.
Ironically they quote come from the comedy “Evan Almighty”. Ironically, I’ve watched 2 best movies I’ve ever watched last weekend, And it’s not in the cinema, it’s the new DVD I just bought. It’s “August Rush” and “Juno”.

August Rush, a little bit of Oliver Twist-y, and a little bit of music genius-y. It is a fusion of the both. You get the best inspiring story of a young kid. Born without knowing about his parents, the only connection he has is his ability to hear music in all sound. Father is a Rocker, Mother is a violinist. The movie tells the story of 2 person who came together and separated by faith, and when their child is born, he is given away. Following his heart and the music, August Rush ran out of his orphanage and into the city. Here he befriended a homeless kid and taken to his gang led by a thug. August showed his talent and the Thug try to exploit it to gain money. Fortunately, when police raided the gang’s hide out August came to a church. Inspired by his talent, the priest helped enrolled August into a prestige music school. While in the school. August composes a great orchestra piece and it’s been suggested to the New York Philharmonic orchestra to perform in the Central Park. Following her heart, August mother came to decide to rejoin the same orchestra for the performance the same night. And his father resigned from his job and rejoin his band in New York the same night. In the end all come together perfectly in the concert, where the three is reunited under the music by August. A Beautiful and inspiring story. No matter the story is real or not, it’s great cinema. There’s enough reality so cinema is as it suppose here, cinematic again.

As for Juno, on the contrary, is as good as it is. The best Script movie. Reality, hardship of life. It shows the perfect combination of love, determination, come of age lesson and family values, peers pressure, marriage and divorces, and of course the main line, premarital and teenage pregnancy. It does present one question though. How old is adult enough. some people is not even grown up when they are 30, some simply need to avoid the responsibility simply because they don’t have the money. So if you have the money, does that makes you a teenager not a good parent later? All that is in question. With close to 30% of black teenagers dropping out of schools and getting pregnant at that age. If makes me wonder, where the line really is drawn? Back to the movie, it is the simplest story line, nothing even fancy and cinematic about it. Yet, because of the writing of the script and the performance of the ensemble, the story has great dynamics that attracts people to watch it.
Well, coming back from DVDs to movies, I’ve actually watched Wall-E and Clone Wars back to back during the weekend. Both movies are great to watch and enjoyable.

Both have their own advantages and tradition. Clone Wars are in full force, the old Star Wars writing. Jedi, Temple, light sabre fights, Tattoine the sand filled planets. It just lack the lust of realistic since it’s animation and all. If you like the Star Wars saga and would like to relive the who culture. This is a good way to go. Jaba the huts little sons been kidnapped and once again Anakin Skywalker to the rescue, in his usual rough tactics that is. As I said, there’s nothing much but reminiscent of some memories.

Wall-E on the other hand is another tradition, the Tradition of Pixar. As usual, it’s as beautiful as any of Pixar animations and as realistic as any smooth old Pixar animation. Aside from the set back that the Robots doesn’t speak a single words for the first 30 minutes. The love story between the robots is believable. And this time to teach human a lesson and show them what people will be like in the future. It’s a good animation and good value. And the story line is good enough. Well-E been cleaning the earth for ages and one day he found love in an Alien Robot. Just to find out it’s sent to earth by human living out of space. And when Wall-E follow her to outerspace to save her. He helped, human to come to realisation and come back to Earth in the end. Of course I’m just leaving out the juicy detail of the whole story here. You’ll have to check it out and have a great trip out of this world.
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