Hey guys. If you are coming for the MTV Asia awards last Saturday, Jared, Karen, Kyle, OneRepublic, Nicole. All the bands and the pussy cat and the Mars folks. HAHA! Welcome! Sorry for not greeting you guys sooner. I was jammed up last week both mind and physically.
Well, I hope you guys have a great time going up the hill to Genting. Enjoyed all the amazing food and the cool air? You guys did a great job man. Hope you guys have fun watching some of the best of Asia showing their stuff too.

Well, Jabbawockeez open the show. And follow up by the regroup pussycat dolls.

No I won’t be doing the whole thing that list all the awards thing. But I’ll go some along the way so that you all won’t miss out the show.

Well, Best Hook up who’d forget them, OneRepublic Feat Timberland.

Some of the great new artists are coming out on the show as well. The Script.
Not to forget the very person that we’ll soon see again at the Beijing Olympics closing ceremony, Leona Lewis. God, Leona you are an inspiration of your own league. You are the Mariah Carey of the 21st century with that amazing voice of yours. Let’s hope we’ll see Leon on the show next year Mr. Simon. HAHA! Leona congratulation on landing the performance on the Olympics. It’s a once in a life time honour and we hope you’d bring the show to the London. And I’ll surely be going in 4 years time. Best of Luck.
As you’d have find out by now that the Asia market is much much different in taste than the US, we are not dominated by R&B and Rap. We have a follower but we are not hot for it. we are more of a Pop and Roll people. No, I’m not saying that we don’t dig Rap and R&B. Listen to Project EAR. We still dig them all. That’s just it we dig them all. Which makes the Asia market perfect is that. We got everything in, even the Korean and Japan. We are more integrated and acceptance of the full multitude of the musical spectrum.
And you guys have all got a taste of Malaysia Hotness. We are the the country with 24/7 365 a years of summer. So we are totally hot for any hot acts out there that’s cool enough to bring in the breeze.
So what’s the biggest awards in a MTV Awards show? The best video of course and the Video Star goes to 30 Seconds to Mars. Again what you thought it’s be? A group that start their first video in Asia and the goes the far distance to promote Green by going to the north pole? And the plus of a beautiful face to a beautiful lies and the most wicked rock sound ever this year?! You guys deserve it man.
Of course the ultimate entertainer that have come to Malaysia more than any artist is Linkin Park that went home with the ultimate International Star of Asia. And Panic at the Disco closes the shows with their best 2 singles.

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