Thursday, July 31, 2008

Music of a more poetic side

Well, as most of you can now see that I haven't been writing a lot about music these days. Well actually if you have notice myspace I’m venturing out of my ordinary trail to find my comfort zone. The European side of the story. I’ve always been fascinated by the music of Italian, the strong yet romantic dialect. Or the sweet caresses of the soft French. Or the upbeat passionate Spanish.
All of that and so much more. I’m getting to know the people from the other side of the business. Some of the doing a lot of modelling and a couple that’s hoping to go into movies. I was meeting them and chatting with them too.
I’m more of a people guy. Though my first sentences maybe a simple hi or thanks but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. I understand why some of you are cautious. I don’t really mind that. You will know I’ll do no harm when you come to my blog. I don’t really do negative. Some jokes maybe but no gossip. I’m more into the person behind the movie or the story. It is just a fictional story and fistional character when you watch a movie. They get more fictional when you watch the tabloids. But if you simply dump all that. And just listen closely. Just like some one said it. if the thing didn’t come out of my mouth literally, it’s not true. So if the very person involve doesn’t say anything we are just beating the wind hoping we’ll catch the fly. A great waste of time.
I have some fun chatting up with some former child actor the other day. It’s a great chat. He is modest and living great right now out of the lime light. It’s great to hear that because truly. If you really like the work as an actor or a musician focus on that. Fame is not really part of the deal and it comes and goes. Nor are they really the representation of the real person. They are just hype up story of a person. So you work and you live your life. If it’s not even in the business it’s all right. It is your life. A normal life is good enough. Many of the people I’ve met have gone out of it. I won’t denied that some crave the attention. I do too. Sometimes. But not the kind that have 100 cameras and flashlights sticking up to your nose that kind. I’d prefer the attention of good friends, family, new friends.
There are a lot of things that meant nothing. Or just an illusion. I hope people does snap out of it and get into their own life some day.
I often see news like that we are a free country but there’s not enough censorship on TV or not enough censorship in the news or the internet to protect our kids. Yet I wonder. Why you want to wait for other people to do the job for you. Learn then how to talk to your children about issues like sex, friends, peers pressure, smoking, drugs and drinking. Don’t ask for the protection of the law to do the work or the school to do the work for you. Take the initiative to get to know your own children and be their guidance. We are the parents. We may not have control of everything, that’s how we learn as a parents and how they learn to be a human being. There’ll always be confrontation and indecent material out there. It’s how to educate ourselves to educate our children that’s important. Take the lead, learn to fight, for yourself and your loved ones. No school, or Law maker or TV or internet knows better. So take the leash by the hand and hold on to it. They are your children, they are your loved ones.
Best of Luck. Peace. Love.

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