Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Magical fruit from Asia

when you come to South East Asia, you'll find this great big red fruit called Red Dragon Fruit.

It's nice to look at, taste wonderful and the fibre packed fruit, one with half a kilo you'd get enough fibre for the whole day.

If you have constipation problem this will solve it once and for all. but you might want to go to the washroom more than once a day.

It's a kind a fruit that grows out of cactus. something that's similar to Aloe Vera, only it'ss not as slimy.

have a taste.

Besides that, here's something that the chinese have been using for years. Goji. usually the chinese just put them in warm water, or cook soup with it or simply wash them and eat them as a daily snack. The siberian dip them in vodca then drink the vodca to keep warm. What goji have is enough antiocidant to keep you lines away and great energy preservarence for your body. be aware that most goji are sold in dried form. but it's still carry the same benefits as the fresh form.

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