Sunday, July 27, 2008

Green is the New Sexy

Well I think it’s time to renew one of my vows to be green.
Well you guys have heard about it all. I just realise there’s only a few ingredients we need for all domestic cleaning purposes. What you need is vinegar, baking powder, lemon(for both cleaning effects and the good smell), and soap (organic preferably and less usage as possible). You can clean anything with vinegar and baking powder and water mixture really, even the insecticide on vege and fruits. And if you prefer to get rid of the smell of vinegar, then let in a few drops of lemon. There you have something that’s ever so friendly to the earth and effective too and most probably much cheaper than most of the over the counter cleaning solution really. Try it out. I did. Just remember not to use soap on anything that’s you are going to eat.
Besides that something else you can just do is that buy a water bottle and not mineral water. One you are creating plastic waste, even if it is one bottle a day, that’s still one bottle. And there’s the hygiene and plastic tocsin release from refilled plastic bottle. So it’s easier to just get rid of it one and for all and just use a better bottle. As for plastic bag, if you must ask for paper or bring your own none plastic bags for shopping. Just put it into your handbag.
Then one more things that‘s beneficial both financially and eco-friendly is changing one light bulb at a time. change to energy saving light bulb, because one light bulb may cost 5 dollars more but in one month you’ll get it back from the electric bills and it last at least twice as long as the usual one. Of course on the energy saving side, it’s always a good trick to adjust 2 degree higher on your air-con.
And for health reason, and a little bit of eco-friendliness, look for organic food. You’d get less harmful chemical in those products, I mean in all eatable product try to look for that and the less we demand it the less people are going to use it. it’s a bit more expensive, but my thought is it’d do good on my health bill if I don’t get my body sick more, and I sure don’t mind a better and longer life.

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