Sunday, July 13, 2008

Movie Review: Hellboy and the journey to the center of the earth

This week on the billboard is “Hellboy II” and “Journey to the Center of the Earth”.
Both are fantasy movies but with different theme.

Hellboy is totally comic. So you have everything you can imagine the hell have to offer and the put the story through the have of the master special effect of Pan's Labyrinth, you get Hellboy II.
As usual you’ll get the humor of the red monster. The red monster is the most unlikely hero of the year. He is not handsome. You don’t get the dramatic story. Because this one is totally action, action and action and plenty of special effect. The story is almost sideline this time. although I’d missed the man character in the movie but with the fire lady and Hellboy married, the triangle have to be break and the focus have to goes back to the villain coming to life from the hell and trying to take over the world. So more monster, bigger one and totally no hiding them this time and that’s about all of it.

Strangely enough to have “Journey to the Center of the Earth” eclipsing Hellboy. It makes both movies look better. It makes me want me watch both movies. It’s just felt right. One is a fantasy that’s totally evil and good. Let the fight begins. Then you go on a family adventure with the father and a kid and the love interest. Just a small group of three and you see what they can get in a fall to the center of the earth. Totally overshadow by the big cast big show of hellboy, but totally suitable for the cool down movie after such excitement. So I hope all of you enjoy.

I shall give you my opinion below. Cos I’ll watch it tonight

HAHA! Well, I’m Back from the cinema.
I did manage to catch the HellBoy2 saga and not "Journey" because the 3D show have been fulled.

Actually I find Hellboy 2 are more entertaining that the first installment.
this one is more action, the editing are more fast pace. the humor are point on and the lesson are pretty easy to recieve. and the special effects are totally in the zone. you won't find all the fake fake feeling of a non natural skin color or anything like it. the Pan's Labyrinth master have done it once again. And this will definitely be another contender in OSCAR.

So everyone enjoy your summer movie this week. Best of luck. Peace.

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