Thursday, July 24, 2008

Life and Books

Just finished the second book of the Inheritance trilogy, while people are contemplating on the failure or success of the first instalment of the movie, I’ve already begun my journey longer down the road and finish it and awaiting the last book to be released this year. At such a young age Christopher Paolini is a genius in his own write. For writing such amazing story at the age of 16 and now only 25 already getting his third book out. And it’ll sure to be a sold out straight away.
Anyway the Eragon saga will end for the literature world by the end of this year and it’s a shame that we can’t see the realisation of the whole saga in movies because of the box office. I do hope that one day we’ll get into it.
While we are talking about books, after finishing another fantasy I think it’s time to get back into my ”self preservation” projects. After finishing The Secret and A New Earth, the next most natural selection would surely be the Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff collection.
I just want to say. The way I take the journey. I was dumb founded when I first started. Angry, frustrated, unsatisfied and not in a good sense at all. Then come The Secret. The arrangement of how these 3 books comes about to be is a miracle by itself. This which is a great blessing really.

First come the Secret, which smash this knuckle head of mind into realisation. So What is Law of Attraction (LOA)? It’s a simple concept that we attracted and is responsible for everything that comes our way. Not that we attract the death of other people, but we does create the reality of the event follow by it, the fear, anger and disappointment. It makes us be responsible for every action and thoughts we have and swipe away the fear, rage and doubt that slow us down in our reaction to the environment. It also eliminate the urge of worrying about the future and for it suggests that whatever we think about most affectionately will be a reality in the future. But there’s one catch. Most people don’t actually deal well with confrontation, self ego and fear. Though The Secret is a great hammer to smash all the doubt and worries, it doesn’t deal well with fear and the conscious or unconscious ego. In fact the way it come about it’s popularity is build on fear and greed on a certain level. It’s about what you want in life and actively attracting it with your thought. But you need to let go of the notion of time and how long it’s going to take to manifest. Which is pretty hard trick for people to master and in the end a lot of people may gone down with disappointment and manifested fear of losing.

Which is where should comes A New Earth. I knew from the start of the consciously or under the conscious I’m really self protected, with all the walls and the natural reaction to blame or get angry when things don’t goes as planned. A New Earth just brings everything and thought into one single point on the line. Not left, not right, not up, not down. Right in the centre of the point where we are NOW. A New Earth explains and help me how to deal with my mind and shift the consciousness of it from worries and fear and anger into the centre of myself at this moment. That is letting your consciousness accept the state of our situation, mind, mental, soul, the environment NOW as it is. Focus on the current state all of the aspect of it is NOW and then move on from there. Whenever we stray and wander, we remind ourselves and hold our ground back into the centre. Which is our own life NOW. While the LOA suggest we can only attracts whatever the situation is that’s came, coming or gonna come. It is all done in previous present and THE present moment. We are attracting it NOW with our action NOW. Which with that focus, and knowing what’s in our head and what it will bring. And then knowing that everything happens at this moment NOW. Not anything coming soon and what’s happen in the past that matters, you are more into yourself and what’s happening around us NOW, and we’ll be much more focus on whatever happening NOW. No fear, no doubt, no anger. Because we are centred and we start really living our lives. I’m not suggesting we throw away all of the emotion. They will still come when things or situation occurs. But without the confusion of the egoic mind and the out of control emotion. We can detect or get conscious about it at the point of it presents and start our conscious doing to hold or release it.

Which now comes to the third phase of the situation, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and It’s all Small Stuff, is the 2 rules that comes with the Third book by Richard Carlson. While we have certain consciousness of what’s we doing and attracting and what are our emotion are and how we are NOW. So what we should do when the times comes to really choose what’s really matters and what’s not. And what to hold and what to release. Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff give us a good idea of the choice there is and how BIG they are really. It help you to choose. I don’t mean you must follow every rules that there is. Because in some other book I took it suggested the 100 rules to follow in a successful life. I don’t understand it then but now I do. You don’t really have to follow every rules that there is, for it’d be too overwhelming to monitor all that and follow all that every second of your life. Stress is not the end result we are looking for in life. Happiness is. So just relax, and go with the flow. And just relax and enjoy the ride. Though it is a roller coaster ride. Just like the detective of the CSI story, you still get tranquillity in all the chaos you just have to find the click and make the switch. So, all things are in cycle. When you are done with one stuff. Just move on then to the next projects and the cycle repeat. That is the Karma, that is reincarnation of life, that is what it all meant. We life only one life in one life time. that’s our and our own. No one can determine it for us let alone alter it. it’s ours to take. So take it. do what you want with it. Yet no one say that this one life should, will and must remain it’s current state now and in all logic suggest is that it won’t and it will. It won’t remain the same as it is when is start, it changes and revive and reincarnated over and over again from time to time and it’s a great and wonderful journey to move on, Life, Old, Sick, Die, that’s the four big stage, and when life begins and when Life ends we return to as we were when we come of being. Nothing but dust and wind. Nothing more and nothing less. Not even our skins or blood would carry any thing but a matter of going back to it’s origin, nature. That’s how beautiful life is. It’s not about fear or anger or sadness, it is a process, a journey and an experience, through which we go through as a Being, as ourselves.
As you may realise by now that all of the books talks about is about ourselves and ourselves alone. It’s not that the world revolves around your, it’s self centred in the sense that the world in not out there. The world evolves inside of you. It’s not out there and hard to grasp. It’s in all of us, we are the centre. And when everything happens if the world outside, the connection related to our inner consciousness. So it is our own world. It is self centred in a good way. And everything that’s coming from the outside, be it complains or attacks it is merely a small stuff for it is the ego of the people retaliating to your being. See the truth, see what’s truly you have done. Feel every emotion with every fibre of your being, experience what Life brings. Without prejudice, without doubt, without fear and without lost minded simple negative reaction to another simple unintentional stupid reaction of an unconscious auto-piloted being.
Here I hope that everyone would get something from this article and truly start living your life truly as it is and realise how beautiful it is.

I'm not Enlightened. For Life is not yet finish for me. I will be when my journey end. en-light-en.

NOW it's simply lighter...
Best of Luck to all of you.

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