But I’m gonna stop whining. It’s not getting me anywhere.
It’s like renewing a vow. You have to keep reminding yourself to be happy, and let go of the past. For it’s the oldest trick of life’s trap. It keeps us circling in our guilt, or fear or anger.
So I’m stop thinking about it and may what it is that’s happen it’s all in the past and I’m now again moving on. It’s not really something that bad. Just some debts (keep thinking about it won’t help, cos I’ve max out the payment I can put in), some accident and some miscalculation incident, which can’t be reverse now, So I just have to deal with it.

Owning is as much as an illusion. Once I heard the saying. When you saw a beautiful flower on the side of the road, just enjoy its beauty in its natural state and let it be there. Don’t disturb it. Just enjoy it and walk away later. Isn’t it great that you can do that? Leave it there to live and let other people enjoy its beauty as well. You just need to enjoy it as it is. Nothing more and definitely not as much as your ego want.
There’s another saying, when you are with another guy, or girl. Don’t listen to what he’s saying, but look at what he is doing. If he is showing pure affection for you then it is. But if he is showing other intention then just slap him and leave. You deserve better. And if he came back changed and you can’t leave you may accept him back. Once is enough. If there are more than once then say goodbye forever. He’s just not that into you and you deserve better. Mind the girls, while I’m talking to you about guys. I too am talking to guys about how you are going for the girls. Though the player type you think you play it all. Be careful what you fall into. You may never come out of it ever. Some guys are sucker for good chick too.
Have you ever REALLY kissed a girl or a guy? Without the looking, without thinking or fearing the techniques? Well, just close your eyes and touch lips and go from there. You don’t really have to pre-plan everything. You just have to feel it. And let it flow. All the theory all the concept or so-called technique is rubbish when you got it on the right moment. But do take care that smelly and slimy mouth is a universal big no no.
Love is sharing and not owning. You don’t need to compensate or be compensated, what you need is someone that could complement you. Do not make yourself a victim, for you are not, you are not a property to be own. So don’t make yourself. Treat yourself as how you want to treat yourself and let people knows how they should treat you. It is your own life to own. All yours. So live it, feel it. There will be bumps and bruises along the way. You just need to go with it and move on.
I knew it the day I came back from Athens 2004 Olympics. For one whole month I was there. I let go of my depression. But it doesn’t mean that I’m off the hook. But unless I change how I treat myself I’d still be that person who feel inferior and angry and depression. No matter where I am. So I decided not to be that. I decide to be who I am. And I’m free. We are enough. For we are not perfect. We all have flaws, we just need to step over it and just get on going. Athens, both breath a new life, a new view to my soul and also make me realise that to escape is not the solution. We just have to face it. Be it we succeed or fail. We have to face it, admit it, do whatever necessary about it and feel every breath of it and then get on with the next one. There’s no telling what’s gonna happen next and that’s the fun part.
Just a joke, Planning is for sucker....HAHA! just kidding. But to tell the truth, you can just plan so far and in the end it is fallen to the hands of God and Faith. So Best of Luck to you all. Love and Peace.
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