I've seen a lot of movies. though I'm not really fond of most of the TV movies because they are not as dramatic most of the time as Cinema ones. but there are still some Diamond in the rough. Like this one starring Thomas Guiry. I find it one of the best scripted story ever. though the editing still the same as any TV movies. rushy, and sudden flashes to the next 3-10 years. but the core of the story and the engaging acting of the actor and actresses in the movie is fantastic. the name of the movie is called "we were the Mulvaneys".
It's about the fall of a happy familay and reunited afterwards.
you have one of the most fortunate family in the world at the beginning. everything seems to go the right way. until the day that the only daughter got rapped, the father sent away the daughter out of shame or protection. the brothers started to disagree. one left for college and vow not to come back. the other became a drop out and then got into the army. Father started drinking and become an alchoholic and left home. The youngest of the brother stayed with the mother and acted as the narrator of the story. Many choices good and bad along the whole process, some relationship reconcile. some siblings still keep in touch. Some heartache mended, some regain their trust in people. some left out their rage and continue to succeed in life. of course the moderator of the story, Thomas Guiry's Charactor see the whole picture and gave the most emotional connection you can get from a character. In the end with the passing of the father, the family reunited. with all brother and sister finding their own true love. as true as any of their mother and father. It's a wonderful story that depict our everyday life and decision and it's as natural and inspiring as any normal people life can be. probably I connected with the story because I am a youngest and only child staying in the country with my mother. But it makes you realise that there are plenty of decision we makes in a life time. sometimes they are correct sometimes they are not but no matter what happen. We still live on. and Love and family are never going to be lost. they will always be there and they will always love us. Be it family of blood or the new family we found. true love never seperate us.
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