This won’t be the movies that usually prove to be popular blockbuster or OSCAR worthy, But they are some of the categories that’s in my heart the most amazing

Let’s start this with the Best movie of all time. Titanic. I know I know it’s cheesy. There are Scarface, there are Godfather, even Lord of the Rings. But let’s discuss about this. The idea is young, the story is old, it’s a love story, it’s an adventure movie, it’s a inspiring story, it’s beautifully done, it’s just the right size (the length of the movies wise.) healthy dose ticket sales. It’s even advance in visual effects and the cast fits the glove perfectly. Well, if most of you kids out there have no idea what the story is about. It’s about the largest ship ever build in the 1920’s where it sank on it’s maiden voyage from England to America near the north pole. Depicting the story underlying story line is a humane story of all the passenger that either survive the crash or sacrifice during the endeavour. And the main story is not exactly the sinking of the ship. It’s the story of two different people from 2 very different world when human are still divided into classes. So the lame story line and also the most amazing story is that they fall in love and the experience the love forever changes the life of this two person.

Well, the best fantasy movie I’ll give that to The Never Ending story. HAHA! Most of you will never agree with this one because it is the story of my time. and many youngster now have no idea this story ever existed. One indicator that the producer might wanna remake it HAHA! Anyway this is one story that actually teaches me how to read and imagine. The fun of reading a book. A child brought a book back from a book store. The never ending story is the title. Simple enough. and yet it’s a magical story book that literally unfolds when you read it. it is not a book written before you read it. it is a story that is written by the kid’s own imagination. So it’s a story of good and evil while the evil is taking over the world in the book. Disaster also started to appear in the real world. At the end of the story, it’s either the children save the world in the book or we’ll all die with it. Yet what makes it special it the character of the book. The Indian, the flying fluffy dragon, the child-like empress the connection between the kid and them all.

The ultimate adventure movie is The Goonies of course. HAHA! Well, again another really old story. The Coreys will sure remember this one. It’s about a bunch of kids that found a map and when they thought it’s a treasure map it leads them from the suburb to the cave and chase by a bunch of... kind hearted bad ass. They in the end found the real treasure. The 16th century pirate’s ship.

Next the Best animal story is Free Willy. I think this one I would have no one to argue with me. You might say lessie or homeward bound. But that’s just it, you got too many dogs and cats and horses. You ever seen an orca? A real live one? And the actor actually got to be in the same frame with one. That’s awesome and the one and only. So Willy is the whale, the orca, being captive in a pool in the amusement park and in the end the own try to kill him with by damaging the pool and claim for insurance and so the Kid, try to save Willy and free him to his family.

Well, kids story aside. The best literature adaptation and longest fantasy movie will be The Lord of the Rings. I love the story, I love the created culture and language of the movie. The ultimate fantasy movie of all fantasy, written and publish as 6 books in the beginning, then made into 3 movies that ‘s meant to be watched in one shot. (watch the complete version please. 12 hours is not such a big deal really. ) Anyway, you got human, dwarves, elves, dragon, horses, orgs, all of that comes into line. Which tell a story of friendship, forge and broken, sacrifices and glory, evils and good. It’s just the most complete story. Male essential though because the love story between men in war are not things that mix and so it’s kept in minimal.

The best sci-fi story of all time. the Abyss is my pick. There’s a lot. But this is mine. Simply because I like the spookiness and the conspiracy. It’s out there but it’s not really said out loud. I love the under sea theme, the inner terrestrial being and their ships. And the almost disaster movie cum aliens story.

The best monster movies to me is Aliens. Definitely. What could be more monster like and more remotely monstrous than that? You go into out of space. Meet hostile aliens and you try to kill them all.

However the Best Alien movie to me is E.T. which I'd say is the Best Kids movie as well. you might say that I'm old minded. But Kids if you don't start them with something bad I figure there's good that will shines out. E.T. a kid who find a friend in an alien. and it suggest the possibility that not all aliens life form are a threats to earthlings or treatens to kill us all all the time. just alike people from different culture which we do not understand, or people with different ideology. there are millions and millions of people and no matter how you want them to conform you can't. there's no reason to force them to either. because they could bring something different or even better to you.

Best action movie will be either Matrix or Speed. Both have great action and one is realistic and heart pounding. The other is..... lets say the sci-fi version of what a special effected action movie should be like. State the obvious and move to the action. The ultimate play ground for an action movie matrix is. Because you simply play with everything. Fresh, new, unchartered territory and totally handsome.

The Best Disaster story. My pick will be Deep Impact. The one Elijah Wood is in. Not the kick boxing or the other kung fu fighting soldier, 2nd rated movie. Why not Armageddon you ask. Well I know that Armageddon made most of the big screen idol today we have. But one thing that it’s lack of is the real story behind all normal people, when disaster strikes. Not just focus on some 2-5 heroes. So the movie may not help the fame or name of the actor work on it. but the story telling of how ordinary people can do great things too. Out of love and humanity.
Well Comedy and Scary movies, 2 of the category that I actual watch the least. Comedy is because I’m pretty uptight. There I said it. HAHA! I was. And I don’t really laugh at any funny movie. Or Maybe it’s because I watch too many I Love Lucy in the old days that I have very little left for the comedy today. I’ll tell you who is the comedian I love the most. Whoopi and Robin William.

The silly comedy I choose Mrs. Doubtfire, for the smart comedy I’ll take The Truman Show. I’d have choose The Mask if the really silly movie is not taken. But The Truman show, the movie that actually started the whole reality show trend and sticked the idea into the producer’s mind. Must be mentioned. It's the first ever movie that talks about millions of camera onto one person's life in a studio. and so it's far more nutshell than anyone would have thought. and the movie end with Truman leaving the studio and start and new life (real life).

Oh! Scary movie, I’d take I Know What You Did Last Summer. I’m the teen then you can’t blame me.

The Best musical, must be the Sound of Music. I doubt anyone that really have watched a musical have not seen this one.
Oh the all time out of space movie for me definitely is Star Wars. You can’t beat an original script like that.

And the Best superhero movie is.... Superman. I’m embarrass to admit it. Now you know my sexuality..... NAH. Just kidding. Man who wears his underwear on the outside is not such a big deal. Silly sometimes. But not really that big a deal. Just that as I mention, when I’m young the cinema at the back of my house is still operating, they bought the showing rights of all superman movies. Back when they are still using film. So when they didn’t book any movie for the week, they have these discounted shows of the superman movies at 20-50 cents a show. So I go watch all the time and in the end it stuck and never came out. LOL! Though I’m not really that into Christopher Reeves. But he is a great person, in real life. Shown how a superman should be like in real life truly. Anyway, that was my first superhero. probably my first movie even. I can't remember.

But one I do remember if Gandhi. This is my pick for the best historic biography movie. not that I've ever really finish watching it. I'd have selected Schindler list for my own generation's pick. but this one is the first that got to me. Back when it's showing. I use to go watch it. then go back home to take my bath and take a nap half way and then go back to catch some more of it. that's how long the movie felt to me. So I've never really watched it one shot through. even until now I still haven't have the courage to actually buy it and watch the whole story on DVD. reason probably it's too much of a memory to me and to me the peaceful mind or my mind's way of peaceful protest is sleeping. HAHA!
Well, if you are looking for some great DVDs and haven't got any of the above you must check these out then.
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