Monday, July 21, 2008

Well what's up with the movie world will be in the coming week

Well, it's a totally surprise attack. you won't know what hit you.

Just Believe. the secret agent Mulder and Scully is back.
This time there will be more body to be found and you won't even know how they die.
or how does Mulder and Scully came back to life.
If you miss the King of all dark Sci fi of modern time this is the time to remenice. HAHA! Enjoy. X Files will be in Theatre this Thursday.

If you are not looking for a SCi Fi summer Blockbuster. you might want to catch American Teen and see what your friends on the other part of the country is doing. A documentary of what a normal ordinary teenager in america goes through in their daily life. Mommy and Daddy you would want to catch this one if you think that peer pressure and High School Stereotyping doesn't have anything to effect your kids. you are dead wrong.

or another fictional Teen movie would be Garden Party. about the entangled life of teenagers nowadays and how their curiosity often got the best of them. you are angst, and hyper active, you want to have dreams and life out of the ordinary. all of the success. and yet you'll get stuck in a web of decietful teenager. starring the O.C. star, Willa Holland.

Maybe you want something more young adult. such as August. Strangely enough the movie have premiere last week. It's about 2 brothers keeping their wall street company afloats. starring Josh Hartnett. it's a bit of a suspends but you know the drill. just a good movie. not really any of the buzzing superhero movie.

OK then enjoy the week guys.

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