Thursday, August 7, 2008

Beijing 2008 Olympics is Starting today everyone let's celebrate the glory, the joy and friendship and the Spirit of Sports

Today’s at exactly 8.08pm will signify the beginning of the Beijing Olympics. This time with the speculation of the probability of a rain looming ahead. We will be anticipating a spectacular Games.

So what’s on the line. Will Michael Phelps get his finally break on the most gold won in a single event, or how many world records is he going to break, who in Australia will chellenge him and will there be any new star from China this year?

Will Tom Daley give Alexandre Despatie a run for his medal in the Diving event, or will Matt of Australia get a gold for Australia, or will China have a new Male Diver that could actually match them?

With Paul Hamm off the board of Gymnastic, will Humbuchen of German do better than when he is in Athens? He is fantastic at Athens. Or will Japan or China Deul it out this year to get champ. This will be a fight of the 4 biggest country of the century, China, Japan, German and USA. (we wish for Paul's swift recovery)
Cycling is always a great fun to watch but this year there will be a lot more excitement as it is the first time that the BMX race on dirt will be feature.
This year also marks the brief return of one of the most mystical sport in the games. Wu Su.
Of course Brazil will be back for the Volley Ball and everybody will be wondering will the Dream team take back the Basketball or the Beach Volleyball.
Badminton and ping pong will see the domination of the hosting country so does diving for the women. Will any country be able to challenge them?

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