Thursday, August 21, 2008

Life is such a Jokingly fun thing

Many things could happen in a day’s life, some we simply ignore and some we take for granted and some we care about and some we care too much. Yet when you actually open up your mind you’d find that every simple things would teaches us some simple logical reaction about life. Such as speed bump cross, it’s more or less like any human interaction, you push it too hard, the bang the bump and hurt yourself, else if you cross over softly, there’s nothing much than just that little emotional blockage that you cross softly.
There are a lot of metaphor from all corner that could give us inspiration. There’s not much needed to do really. When you are meeting people, just say hi and how are you. If the person has doubt he/she will make the face, instead of being intimidated, just smile and show your sincerity, if you are truly sincere the person would feel it and let down his /her guard and start talking to you.
Do we need fame, extravagance attraction to actual find a friend? Just be yourself and the rest will fall into places.
I’m starting on a new book lately. In view of my not really that conscious about my own physical being. I decide to get a guide from some doctor. The book is a series of interesting facts about our physical body and how we can maintain it to the optimum. The series is called You, the first book I’m looking at is You, the Owner’s Manual, for our body that is. It explain the way every part of our body function. Some fact we may know already and there’s plenty of interesting facts that we have never thought about and it explain every questions that pop up in my head when I read the part or organ in the chapter. It’s just a fantastic book to teach the real facts about our body and more. There’s also some dietary suggestion and exercise that actually take less than half an hour everyday that we can do to maintain our body to it’s optimum point.
Try it out, some stretches combine with weight lifting and cardio work out for the muscle and then some simple Yoga for the relaxation of mind, body and soul. This is what life should be like. Healthy, happy and consciously working them out one day at a time, the right amount of stress could push us to the top but the “right” amount of stress cold push us to the very limit too and the we break and become hard to go back. It is fine when you do. Just apologize and start moving on. but when you haven’t become insane and out of control, only can you realise the existence of the problem and start the adjustment quickly before everything gone wrong. It’s positive and happiness and Blissfulness that we are seeking. It’s Enthusiasm and not eagerness, it’s Bliss not lust, it’s wealth not greed, it’s health not “empty” fullness, satisfaction not over excessiveness.
It is a feeling, just stay true to your own feelings then you’ll know exactly when you get over board. Best of Luck to you all.

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