Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Movies Preview on a clash of Titans

What’s on the other end of the kaleidoscope this week?
Well there’s The Strangers, this movie we watch the return of 2 great actors, Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman. You might feel that it’d be a bit boring because there’s only 2 person the whole trip in a hotel then in the town. It’s a lot like House of Wax only this time it started with a much more comfortable state and the scariness as I heard is more of a Saw shock. A little bit of Alfred Hitchcook for the Ghost month?
Of course this week we’ll also see plenty of other ghost story. Like the Ghost House(memory) from Thailand by Ananda Everingham. He can be the most famous Thailand faces besides the fighting guardian Tony Jaa. We have seen Ananda in several Ghost story from Thailand throughout the years, 303, Shutter and plenty more of course. Now here’s another ghost story. I hope one day they will have something dramatic and not scary to the international stage.

Anyway scary movie aside, of course there are some more quality movies coming this week. We have see comedy that’s not exactly doing well in the box office this month, Meet Dave from Eddie Murphy. I think the bad press is really catching up with him. No matter if any of the media extravagances are real or not. It seems that it is taking a toll on his work. Then from the guys that brought us Knocked Up there’s the a bit 40 Years old Virgin type comedy, Forgetting Sarah Marshall. While the state side are smart to stir clear the heavy action summer slot, Malaysian fans seem to have no idea what’s gonna hit them. The comedy is good just that wrong timing. People are just too crowded by all the action to go for this type of movie at the moment. Regardless of what’s the market is in this summer (we continue to see the Dark Knight domination), these are some of the better comedy that’s worth a look.

Alright, everything off and here’s the Biggy for the week. It seems that there’s a bit of a clash between Vin Diesel and Jason Statham this month. With the Death Race opening early this week and Babylon A.D. coming in the corner, There will be another show down of action movie definitely. Both are about action and futuristic they have certainly the most different culture and storyline. Death Race is a bit of the remake of the 1975 Death Race 2000. Since we are already over year 2000, the Death Race is no more about killing civilians but it’s about a bunch of convict that’s racing for their life literally. They are given a chance to wipe a clean slate if they win the race. Of course in every good action movie there’s a plot and conspiracy behind. Might all the convicts be framed into the race?
As for Babylon A.D., a mercenary escorting a lady of New York in a age where everywhere there’s crime everywhere....... the plot, the lady is no ordinary being. Indeed, the person to bring Armageddon to the earth or the next Messiah. If you wish to know the answer earlier, you may try to finish the book Babylon Babies which the movie is adapted from. And I’m sure it’ll blow your brains off even if you have read the book before.

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