Thursday, August 21, 2008

Olympics Day 14th

4 more days to the ending of the Olympics, yesterday marks the greatest battle and the greatest defeat in the Olympics games ever.
In Diving, China’s women 10m Platform dive almost lost her crown reaching the end of the last round of dive. Chen Ruo Lin of China been leading the pack from the start go, but at the 4th round with one more round of dive to go Emilie Heymans catches up to Chen and make the lead with 1 point advantage. In the last round Emilie gave it all and earn an almost perfect dive that makes Chen need to make a perfect dive of at least 90 points to catches on. while everyone is holding their breath in the last dive of the night, Chen make the dive, and it seems that she is not going to make it, she make it with a splash, or in this case, not even a trickle of water came out of the pool surface, and the whole stadium roar. It is the perfect dive and Chen answer to Emilie’s close to 90 points is 100.6 points. Chen’s lead in the end with 10 points lead to take the Gold and keeping the domination of 7 to 7 gold in Diving event for China. Congratulation to the 15 year old. 15 year old, world champion and Olympic Champion.
In the tract and field event, We see the domination of the Jamaican runner and also the falter of many USA team in relay and running event. With The missing Champ Liu Xiang from the 110m hurdle race, the reigning world champ, Cuban Dayron Robles take over the lead trailing by both the US athlete. Men’s 400m we see the domination of the US team on all podium placements. They took all gold, silver and bronze in this event. This is what we wish to see from the US team but that’s about the most glorious as they can get this summer. As coming into the rest of the night, in 4x100m relay, the US men’s was disqualified at the last baton pass, as so the same fate for the US women’s team for a baton drop in the last pass as well. A surprise is that Great Britain also lost it in baton passing. This is most probably the most baton fault I’ve ever seen in any games ever. As for the Jamaican, they took home the 200m women, 400m hurdle women, 200m men. Russian seems to be taking home all jumping event. And the really mix of country winner can only be seen in throwing event, with wide variety of event taken by Belarus, Bulgaria and Estonia. It seems that the great track and field day of the 3 most powerful nations, USA, Great Britain and Russia as gone past and long past. It will be a really tough training ahead for the next 4 years if they want to take back their lead in the track and field event.

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