Tuesday, August 5, 2008

New Artist of the week. Check em out. Love em all.

I know that It’s been really quite awhile since the last time I’ve wrote of any new artists. Actually after featuring Sean I thought I’d push myself to write a proper introduction to some new amazing Artists that just got into my view lately.

First up will be a singer/song writer/ producer that seems to humming around the town of LA pretty casually. His name is Jeremy Greene. He is pretty amazing. Having produce some work ofr certain artist in LA. He is coming out with his own sound. R&B and Rapping it off now on iTunes are tunes like “Rain” and “Help Me”. Both sound are fantastic for disco and party. Keep you bummer shaking non-stop. Check him out at http://www.myspace.com/jeremygreene

Next up will be Jonathan Clay, Clay with a guitar on his hand is like a great sculpture artist with the right clay spinning at the right timing and creating a great vase out of it. the way that he handle the guitar is exceptional. Plucking away every note with every bit of emotion and you can feel it in his voice. He is the next Eric Clapton for all I know. It’s been a while since the last time I actually heard someone playing as good as he is. Though he is not the sad and mellow Eric, but he is great to listen to. Check out his tune on iTunes and http://www.myspace.com/jonathanclay
I’ve heard about J~DUB for quite a while. But I’ve never thought of what his real name is. Not to mention searching for him under MySpace Network. But one day coincidentally I found this person with a middle names J~DUB and i thought I’d check him out and there he is. The great J~DUB. He’s done so many producing that you could almost go on any album of who’s who without hearing his name. He is Jared J~DUB Jackson. Bow to his superiority at http://www.myspace.com/jdub707 . Enjoy!

Now since we are going for J~DUB. It’s just inappropriate to not to mention the very person that lead me to him. Ryan Huston. No, No, not in anyway Whitney. He is a bit of a star on the rock side. Though the sound are pretty down to earth and relax. A lot like what you get with Jason Mraz. What I like about him is that he got a voice that’s not exactly smooth yet the way sang the songs are not forceful at all. It’s like it’s easing you into the car park or we are running at the beach or park freely. It felt free and easy to the eyes. He is more of a John Mayer guy. Check him out at http://www.myspace.com/ryanhuston

Another artist with the perfect guitar skill is Kyle Riabko. What an interesting name. Any style, you name it he play it. He has that magnetic quality to his voice that it’s hard to ignore. You just keep stick to it. even you heard something you hate. HAHA! I just love this guy’s voice to death. It sassy and energetic. Essential and soothing, he could much under the shadow of someone like Prince. The changes of his true voice and the falsetto is simply soul surging. Check them all out and get shocked at http://www.myspace.com/kyleriabko
Now after such a long script on Solo artist I think we should goes on to the bands.
In no particular order, First up would be 3 Ways of Thinking, the group that consists of 4 boys and silver blonde are more of what we use to call Alternative, which is now more of a punk pop kinda sound. The sound is rocking, the music is moving and the whole apartment would be shaking from their sound. Pretty amazing if you consider them Amateur, which reminded me, the lead, Rachel sound a lot like Jewel at her younger days. Same old silver blonde, same old drop of sadness in the vocal. So it just burst off into tears with the voice. Well, All the Best and check em out at http://www.myspace.com/3waysofthinking

Turn the voice around and you’ll get Mission Hill. This group of 3 guys, sound the best. Leading Adam have that kinda country tone to his voice which makes the music sounds perfectly southern. Even when the music isn’t. They are not country nor are they truly pop. Their sound are more like the Goo Goo Dolls. I love that under tone that’s pretty sad but sexy. It’s not the kind that you weep about yet it have that base that’s dark yet warm. So check out the new band at http://www.myspace.com/missionhillband

Last but not least, the freakish band of all freakish band. The sound is low and dark and very Black Forrest-y. I think this is the one band with the most variety of instrument under their belt, who play clarinet and harmonica in a songs anymore. It’s like walking back in time and drop into a time warp to the time that John Lennon are on the rally concert and playing the hippies sound. I..................... LOVE IT. I find it all surprisingly refreshing and totally in tune with the exact type of music that we are lack off in the 21st century. So if you have an open mind and doesn’t mind the bits of 1960’s reference. Check em out at http://www.myspace.com/mushmanstories

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