Thursday, October 30, 2008

News and DVD and Happy Halloween!!!!!!

After weeks of waiting, all the summer blockbuster movies are on their way to DVDs. First the Iron man have his fist closed on the chart taking the top for the past 4 weeks, only to be smashes by the Green Sin monster The Incredible Hulk.
While the 2 comic heroes duel it out at the top, rolling by and on is the Crystal Skull holding on to the 2nd spot. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is totally in it’s own zone, and I’m sure it will last for quite a while with the buzz and the loyal Indy fans around the world rallying over it.
One little abnormally in this race is Scott Speedman and Liv Tyler latest Thriller movie, The Strangers. It’s not exactly what you’d call blockbuster when it came to the cinema. But I guess the Halloween mood does give the DVD sales some boost for those who wish to watch a new Scary movie at the comfort of their own home.
A few short news on the side.
Congratulation for the Philadelphia Phillies for winning the World Series, Celebration all round. 2nd time after 25 years is a great feelings. I still can remember the first time. It’s just…… amazing.
The market is climbing steadily upwards as gas prices continue it’s falls. Good news to all consumer.
Pakistan is again hit by a heart wrenching earthquake at almost the same period as last time 3 years back. The same country, the same situation, the same people with the same hardship after 3 years will have to suffer the same fate of cold weather, no shelter, no water, no electricity and crumble economies and rulers. The death toll will continue to climb and we hope that the world community will start to look into this tragedy seriously as quickly as possible.
Joaquin Phoenix is calling it “The End”, he is done with acting and movies with the release of his last movie, “Two Lovers” premiering in Cannes Movie Festival.
The Zac Efron star effect is on full fledge with the release of HSM3. It is official now that Zac Efron has more power in the business than any male star at the moment. Footloose remake to let loose and fast stepped on the setting board and everything is pushed ahead to make sure a smooth start next spring and most probably a summer release. While everyone is waiting for the next big thing from this heartthrob, you may catch the spring release of 17 Again at April next year. ** What confident can do to a person. Look at Zac and you’ll know. Everything just vamped up one nudge with it. And an advice to everyone listening, it comes from within and not without. You don’t need everyone to tell you that to be confident.

Halloween and Movies......... Thriller anyone?!!!!

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!
Of course what’s Halloween without some trick and treats.
Our trick selection of the week, Saw V, the almighty Jigsaw is back. Beware. Sure the gruesome start again even with Jigsaw lying on bed rest
Many will die horribly and hurt again this time. (don’t you guys have enough already?! HAHA!!)
Of course Quarantine is still a good one to get to. Lock in a building, no where to run, no where to hide. They are everywhere and you are the one that is denied escape and deemed to be the meat to be eaten by those infected. Have a look at time part Cloverfield style horror movie in the tiny tiny space of a small downtown apartment building.
Splinter would be another great movie to watch on Halloween night. So would wood fray actually kill you? This time movie maker is making you think that a splinter is going to kill you if you don’t take it out in time. It will grow in you and the pierce through you from the point of entry to the heart. And you’d be dead before you know it.
Of course the old Halloween and Friday the 13th story is still good. The very realistic Halloween from last year is still a good one and it makes all the story seem more real. Than any of the previous installment can be. The return of Michael Myers and Jason. All the masked guys will be coming out.
The Haunting of Molly Hartley, so what if your family sold your soul to the devil since you were born? Can you redeem yourself? Are you insane when your parent regretted and try to kill you before you are 18? What should you do? Go to your new friends? What if you know they are not who you think they are? Moley Hartley is haunted and curse, can she escape her destiny? Here’s a chance when you can catch Chace Crawford of Gossip Girl on the big screen.
The last trick we have up on our sleeves is Shiver, a foreign movie that will chill you to your spine. When it’s a disease, you have to hide is places where there’s no sunlight. But hiding it is, you wouldn’t know what’s hiding with you. Hide and seek, don’t move, don’t breath, don’t make a sound, for she will know and you are hers. Vampire? Who knows? You’ll have to see the movie.
Trickery treat of the week however is Ghost Town, the funny comedy starring the English funny man Ricky Gervais and Greg Kinnear. When you die, even for a fraction of a minutes, you have connect that with the other side and thus you are able to see the others. You stayed because you have unfinished business, so…… you find the very person that can see you to do it for you. Ricky is the stingy and grumpy guy and you hook him up with your living with. What you think gonna happen? HAHA! Really funny movie. I know it’s a bit late but I think quite a few of the cinema still holding the special screening. Go for it. And get a great laugh if not a great scare that you are looking for
Another treat from us is Zack and Miri makes a Porno. You like something like Knocked Up? You love this one. As usual the Seth Rogen gang came out with the amazing funny script that doesn’t really need a great deal of edition and special effect to do. So, a guy and a girl, good friends decided to do a porno together. Great, of course they got feelings for each other. The movie also include a long string of stars, from Justin Long to superman Brandon Routh.
Well, for the serious movie goers that’s looking for something award worthy to watch. You can catch Clint Eastwood’s Changeling. Starring the not yet pregnant, Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich. The story of a mother who have lost her son, yet when the authority claims they have found the child, it’s not hers. The authority insists the found kid is the lost child. How would a helpless mother do against the tide of power and media? How will she get her real son back?
I hope everyone have a great Halloween weekend tomorrow. All the best.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Featured artist: Michael Stoltzfus

Michael Stoltzfus, is one of the most natural artist I’ve met. A down to earth guy, with a good vibe, great vocal and the sensible hand on guitar. There is no doubt he is good enough, just a matter of time that he could be in the mix of great musician and artist. His sound is a bit silky, moist and flowy. It’s not much of a hard beat pop, but it will influence your heart beat when you are onto it.
Here are our converstion. Enjoy!

Q:Let’s start by telling everyone, who you are, where you’re from?

A: I'm motivated and hard-working kid just shy of 21 years old, and I moved to L.A. from Mohnton, Pennsylvania

Q:How would you describe your music?

A: I guess my music fairly serious for the most part with catchy melodies. It's got like an acoustic/pop kind of feel.

Q: who is actually you influence in your music and life?

A: As far as artists go my music is probably most infulenced by people such as Gavin DeGraw, Jason Mraz, Paolo Nutini and Justin Nozuka. As far far life in general my parents have been my biggest influence.

Q: How do you start writing your songs?

A: I typically start with a chord progression and from there a melody spawns. I actually like to write the chorus first and then work around that.

Q:Do you have a band that play with you constantly? Are you looking for any band mate at the moment?

A: I do not have a full band that I play with constantly as far as MY music goes. I have been playing with Beau Evans a lot recently, who is a phenomenal drummer. At this point in time I am not looking for any more band members.

Q:Any plan on booking any show? Bar performance and all?

A: I just played a show at Cafe Muse in Hollywood this past weekend and had a great time. As far as the future goes I do not have any shows set up but I would love to play anywhere people are willing to listen.

Q:Are you currently producing any CDs and stuff to be publish on iTunes or MySpace? How would people get hold of your music?

A: Currently I am shopping around to find a place to record a new demo. I do not have any CDs or recorded music for sale just yet. Best place to listen is my Myspace page, for now.

Q: I’m surprise that no label have sign you with those music. So have you been sending any demo or getting and representation?

A: I had a demo that I handed off to some people who know people, and didn't get any bites. So like I said I'll have a new demo done soon hopefully and again continue to try to get it in the right hands.

Q: Something personal. Are you single? What kind of quality in the girl that you usually look for?

A: I am currently single. I'm attracted to girls that are down-to-earth, real, and are motivated about life.

Q: you into anything else than music?

A: I am also very much into acting and performing arts. I think it's another form of expression that is hard to replicate any other way. Also I love staying active and exercising!

Q: If anyone wishes to contact you or do any booking where or who should they buzz?

A: Best person to get in touch with for right now would be me!

Q:Anything you'd like to say to our readers?

A: Thank you so much for taking the time to listen!

Hey thanks again Jonathan!

Jonathan:You are welcome and thank you very much for taking the time to write and answer our questions. We appreciate it and all the success to you.

4th Week Artist of Oct 2008: Great artist is always there to be found!!!!

Lately there’s some trouble with MySpace music player. A lot of the outside player have been taken off or blocked by the space itself. And I do not know yet, whether it’s the player problem or my internet provider blocking, some songs on some of the artist myspace player can play and some cannot. We will be looking into the issue closely in the next couple of months. And here are some of the best one we got out for you that got to us. Some actually realises the problem and started sending us copy of their EP or online press kit. That’s another great way to get your songs out really.

Derek Stroker, here’s a rocker at heart. We love the sensational sound that he is producing. It’s not hard metal, yet it felt rocking. I do not know how many people actually heard this fella. But with a demo this great I find it’s hard to believe that no one have heard of him before. Hs is already a pro at his own way. Forgive me to say this, much better than any of the AI contestant. At least he knows what he is doing here. here's a way you may enjoy his music at

Penrose slow building from a group and a sound and then building up and higher and in the end hit the right height with the music and rock the Hell off the world. I find that the lead singer’s voice is one of the more fine detail the group has. It tops all those band with a vocal as sore as a hoops scraping the sand. Love the songs, love the band and that voice can really do something big. they are at

Evan Voytas, it’s an alternative to the vocal arrangement in music. You get the usual music, yet the vocal is so wonderfully engineered that it’s a totally eye opener. It wasn’t unplugged, yet not exactly electric either. As I say, the alternative. It’s acoustics with a sazz of electrically engineered sound on it’s side. Totally in love with the dreamy, floating voice. Check him out at

The Stevenson Ranch Davidians, after some more modern sound I think this one is as original as you can get on a music scene. It’s a bit Blues, a little country, a little folks, a little indie, I guess it’s not so one minded style. It’s more like Jack Daniels, hard on first taste, smooth on the inside. HAHA! I love the flying in the air, floating on the swing in the evening summer under the big old tree kinda feeling. Reminds me of my date with my girl. HAHA! Thanks guys! and check them out at
The Insecurities is a fun fun band to listen to. You jump, you shake your tosh, it’s a bit like the 70’s with the Beatles. It reminded me of all the fun we have at the prom. Their beat is classic, yet not old. The music is really popping. You can shake you freaking out all night without feeling rage or guilty. HAHA! It’s totally positive and totally in tune with everything a teens looking for in the rocking pop genre. you can listen into them at
For the past one week since we hit the high of 1000 with our one year anniversary, we got over 100 hits on our MySpace, and over 30 artists came in. Again I must thank you all for supporting us. We truly appreciate it. And I’ve actually enlisted some help to sort out my book a bit HAHA! But to remind you all please be aware that if you wish us to do a review on you or help you out in anyway just say so, message us, comments us, send in your request, press kit or music for us to review if your player is not working we can’t exactly write any review. We will not be able to review you all but if you can pass in a request then we would take notice and we can do anything to help. To our old friends, do not forget to send in updates of your schedule from time to time, we are planning on starting an events news reel weekly pretty soon once we can get you guys to rally in regular events and shows date or tour dates. Thank you all and hope you all have a great week ahead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

News and Court case and Politics and economy

The most important news this today will be the most important one which is the US presidential election is just a week away from today and you need to get on with it all and start making your decision.
No matter how the politician wish to down play the issue. US election will affect the whole world.
No matter you are a McCain or Obama supporter, I think the one thing that the people should consider how the candidate will handle situation like 9/11, could they end the war? A little bit of raise in tax but secure your job and well growth in the world and economy that will in the end lower the tax the next year and the most important is that the money that goes out are for the people and not one or 2 corporate individual. One week, in one week, you decide the fate of the world and your future and your family’s future 4 years. Just a funny joke around my house, the other day my family is running on rerun of the Die Hard movie and realise that John McCain have almost the same name as John McClane, Bruce Willis’s Character, They sound so similar, we all just laugh out loud. What a parity, you either are the hero or Die Hard.
If the market drops for 3 days is called a crisis and recession, then would the raise consecutively for 3 days be a bull? I wonder, it seems that the stalling and gradual releasing of capital into the market from all the strategy is finally making itself seen this week. People are more confident and gold is again stable and going up, which means the last parking base of money is secure at the moment and if the trend of people willing to sell and go back into the market will turn the upward climb steady and the market will be stable soon. So it seems it’s a good time to grab a few share you think is at a great low price and still have willing power in the market with their product. Not bank yet, they are still dropping. Most probably, food and necessity product and consumer share would give us a better sell.

Just one more point, the whole Keanu Reeves court thing is a bit ridiculous, isn’t it? The photog is saying that he is requesting lost of wages and medical expenses….. because he cannot sell any of the photo he took the day he followed Reeves to his friend’s place and stalk and waited there for the night to catch him with a girlfriend and when he came out alone, the photo is useless…..???? I thought the whole thing is about Keanu knocking him with the car bumper? I wonder which is more important? A photog right to sell anything he took stalking stars or invasion of privacy. Freedom of speech and taking photo? Wonder where the line is. Funny, Reeves even stop and find someone to help the guy out afterwards. So much for common humane courtesy, I’m not saying that photog is all bad, but this guy is giving the good one a really really bad name. it’s like legalize blackmailing HAHA! And to stand in front of a Ferrari and hope it will swoop around you? HAHA! That’s ridiculous. Even the best driver in the world know that a Ferrari cannot start a sharp turn at the start of engine.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Movies is Life: High School Musical 3: Senior Year

We all knew that this is coming. So let’s get on with it and over it.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year. We all know the story, the people, you can’t ignore the success of the franchise and the star in it.
After 2 successful instalment in TV, this time the musical finally got to the big screen.
I’m really glad that this time for the cinema, going to the big screen he producer have decided to take the music, choreography and the cinematography up a nudge.
The music is great, the starting of the movie is a bit cheesy, but that’s true to the franchise. But the cheesiness tone down a bit and more cinematic after the games.
Zac Efron as Troy, you can see that his acting skill has really matured. And thanks to the cinematographer and editor, they took more tight shot than long shot when Zac dances and skilfully twisted out some of the querky twitch we see from Zac in the 1st and 2nd movie when he dances. Those moves fits the hairspray character but not the cool Troy. So I’m glad that this time the movie shows the best side of Zac in every shot. That will surely further solidified his heartthrob status.
It’s a strange thing when people goes into the movie knowing that it’s a teenage Musical movie and they still giggle when it got too cheesy. Sigh when Zac is heart broken, Ahhh! when they kiss or win. The mixes of the sarcasm and adoration is not what I expected. But from my view I think the portion of cinematic and entertainment and the original element of the movie is perfect this time. though I hope the interchanges between dialog and singing would be more like the standard classic, more sensible dialog before going into singing too soon. The proportion of Sound of Music and Moulin Rouge is much balanced. It felt a bit rushy with HSM3 when they jump to singing and dancing too fast after a small dialog gap. Yet the balance is still better than the second movie.

The setting and arrangement of everything is relatively larger this time comparing to 2 of its predecessors, which gives the editor more spaces to create more dimensions than those of the 2 previous movies, which I’m glad.
Going back to the character, I hope that Corbin Bleu which I think is filled with talent have been given too few showing time. I’m sure that his colleague will agree that he is a better singer and dancer than some of them. A surprise is that I always thought that Lucas Grabeel have a sweet voice, but his voice actually appear to be more mouldable and have more range than all of them. He could be the best singer of them all. If Lucas if the best singer, and Corbin is the Best dancer, then Zac would be the best actor. Corbin, I’m sure by now is totally ready to go into more serious role by now. He’d be a great addition to the Gossip Girl Cast or the 90210 gang. Zac is however the most balanced actor, and compared he’d have more experience with the big screen production by now and he will continue to be the heartthrob status like Tom Cruise for the years to come for scoring perfect role in 17 Again and Foot Loose. Of course they are still a bit of stereotypical role that identified with his HSM and Hairspray role. But they are in some own way great training grown and movies that show talent. Because 17 he is imitating another actor manner and I’m sure the producer and director could see his talent in acting and Foot Loose will be a more adult role that could shoot him off from all the teenager role to a more serious adult ranging character choices later.

We all know that the love story between Troy and Gabriella can only go up more and more than be down play in the 3rd instalment so it’s no surprise that Corbin, Ashley and Lucas will have less screen time when compare and be more restricted by their roles distinct characteristics. There’s only so much space you can give to dramatic, scheming teen drama queen, or her following brother, or the best friend of the quarter back, which in this case the captain of the basketball team.
In a way the last scene explains it all and tells the audience exactly it is the last for the infamous 6. In my opinion, it is the right time also. It’s about time that they walk into their adulthood by now. It is a bit sad to see them going off on their own way. In the long Hollywood tradition as history shows, a couple of them may succeed in the business after this and one or two may be lost in a few years to the cruel competitiveness. I wish them all successes after this movie.
It is clear from the beginning to the end of the show too that the East High Junior year is ready to get into the franchise new instalment. It may be a TV series which gives the studio more time to develop the new comer and earn more money for them if the audience accept the new show. Or just another movies series, which in my opinion is more unlikely to ring up more buzz without their signature character, love story and the original heartthrob. Ashley though is signified in the end to be returning in the series coming back in whatever form, but I think it’d not be good enough follow up to garner the same amount of followers.
As Zac said, it is time for everyone to graduate and do something more matured. All the Best to all the gang of HSM.

News, Blessing and wishes

Just a few note of our own blessing for the celebrity before we begin this month's articles.

We would like to express our deepest condolences to Jennifer Hudson’s family and be strong girl.

We would wish a swift recovery for Julianne Hough on her surgery as well.

*** Gentle reminder to all artist who wish to be featured or interviewed. please resend your request at or

Friday, October 24, 2008

Respect and Love, we have it all in ourselves! Why Nag?!

One thing I learn from my work if not work, it’s respect. It is an illusion.
While we make sure that as hard as we can to respect people, but we can’t demand respect from people.
We can only earn it, not demand it.
I have encountered so many of the people here that done this in reverse. Every bit of the day I heard complains about it. He not respect me, that person not respect me. One even decide to resign because of one word from one stranger.
But it is not our right to demand it when other refuses to give. Of course human rights and all that other issue aside, a common respect between people is what we strive for. But not demand because some people just don’t give them freely, and some became irritable when you keep nagging and whining about it. Have you ever thought that that might be exactly what makes you not respected? Nagging and whining for respect is not something a person should do. Don’t you respect yourself enough to have enough for yourself? Why is other’s recognition so important? And if so then do better! Earn it! Make it positive than negatively complaining about it. Nothing good is gonna come out of it when you are complaining. The positive move is re-examine yourself what you can do better and make it happen. Sooner or later, no one would even think of disrespecting you.
We do not need any people in this world to give recognition or respect. That is an after effect when you do well in your own life, an illusion of images that people have on us. If we have enough respect on ourselves, we will eventually respect people and when our life is great then does a respect from someone you don’t really care really matter? I think it’s the best choice to go inward than outward and not try to think or control what you don’t have in the first place.
*** I would like to thanks for all of you who have been sending in request with your press kit and free CDs. I love em all. Who wouldn’t? HAHA! Thanks very much. I’ll try my best to get through them all and give a great review on them. (The not good one we’ll just talk about it in messages OK! HAHA! And publish the new effort later.) I love you all and wish you all the best doing what you love! Oh thanks for the clothing sample and photos from you-know-who –you-are and help me finish the fashion article.
Keep working on all your work and I’ll do my best to get things right for all of us.
Let’s celebrate guys!!!! Samba Please, Salsa….. HAHA!

What's music without the good old Opera! now all with some new twist!!

Many perceive that our magazine only distribute the indie or rock music. Yet actually our most passionate music genre is operatic or big air singing.
One reason for us to not walk into that field this late is because most of the artist in this genre are going through intensive training constantly and the one only been able to come out as a real singer only have one or 2 big break in their life. For an opera artist that is not attached to any company would not have a chance in the genre.
Thus there is no way to start introducing artists before they actually get on stage for a performance or coming out with a CD. The interesting part of the art is that when you go to Italy, most of the traditional diner and bar have at least one Italian that can sing a pretty good sounding Operatic music, though not exactly up to the professional standard yet it bring familiarity and warmth to a art and make it not as intimidating. (Italian could start their dinner early and end as late as midnight, which I simply loved.)
But as hard as the business is, there are some contemporary artist that came out lately. Let’s start with some of the legend in the business at the moment.
Dame Kiri te Kanawa, her voice is the majesty of the Opera world. There’s no one in compare. IF you have ever heard her sing. She is better than nightingale, and the best of all singer.

Andrea Bocelli, the Italian Stallion of the opera world. His voice is pure pleasure and pure enthusiasm. Maybe it’s because of his blindness that makes him momresensetive to sound. But in his voice, every twist and turn is a detail and every detail bring a shot of surprises.
Il Divo, this group of tenor (not all of them are tenor), to think of a group form by 4 individual from all corners of the earth and brought in their own unique charm and culture to the stage and brought the thickness to the whole art. Yes they are contemporary and not totally the standard art. But to tell the truth, to make an art exclusive is a bit unfair to those unable to afford it and in the spirit of spreading the love of the art I think it’s not totally wrong to losen up the standard and insert a jet of modern touch to the touch to let more people to understand and get into the art more easily.
Russell Watson, another tenor I think is good enough to be on the very stage that many have step on. but he’d chosen to be on tour and be a pop star or operatic voice. That’s a good choice to me. I love the New Zealander and Australian way of expressing their love to the art. Big concert out in the field of a huge stadium. Though without the echo of the opera house makes the standard lower, but to have a million of people enjoying the sound and singing with you is a totally different sensation and you know that they love you, they really love your voice.
Sarah Brightman, the ultimate and only Christine in my mine. Since my first encounter musical theatre is from Phantom of the Opera. (Sound of Music and My Fair Lady is a movie starter for me.) and Sarah is the only Christine I’ve known for over 10 years that’s all I could identify with Christine. No one is to compare. The last note of the phantom of the Opera is what makes it so impressive. And then when Sarah sang in the movie Fifth Element. That makes her the most amazing non-operatic opera singer to me.

Fashion is part of our life and it is a menifestation of Love

While we are in the month of the Fall, and the honeymoon weeks of NY Fashion Week and LA fashion week. I guess it is time to really do some fashionable things.
I love the launch of Ari’s and JT’s brand of William Rast it’s simple and fashionable and totally wearable.
I’ve always love the D & G, it’s always presented the people with both drastic category of stylish and casual, so distinctive in it’s designs that the casual wear is totally my type of wear and yet I can resist own a few of the stylish ones.
As for Marc Jacobs, this year is too retro for me, too out of this world. I’ve always love the great idea that Marc Jacobs presents, instead this year it’s too over the top for me to wear any of the design on the street. Probably Milan is the only place that it may come out as normal. And yet even in Milan I think not many can actually wear them.
Plaid is back, yet those that design with plaid this year are pretty plain and normal for me. I’m not really that impress to take on any this fall. Of course if you say Plaid can you spell Burberry?! No Not blue berry, not strawberry (one of my friend actually ask this stupid question), it’s pure Englishmen Burberry. (Now manufacture in China! HAHA!) but this year the faithful one has gone all solid color..
There are plenty of new Accessories brand that came out of the celebrity support type this year. Finally they are getting the spotlight. But would there be too much? There are like 10 brands at least that have no name mention last year.
As for those who is looking for a interesting plain normal daily wear to take on. those sold at Smooch are pretty good in my opinion. Especially those of you with a more curvy figure. I think that is the most suitable.
Though the fashion industry nowadays are pretty much endorsing healthy models look, Yet I still can see that there’s quite a few models in the industry that’s pretty skinny. As far as health concern, the male models are in fact recruiting a lot more of the muscle built healthy ones than the skinny one which we saw most in the past 5 years. Celebration finally we are heading in the right direction.
Gucci, Chanel, Oscar del la Renta, I always look to the dresses more. Their couture are fabulous and tasteful always.

If you are looking for something that’s more on the street, KLS, Hilfiger, DKNY and CK is always my choice. Because they are build to wear, not to blend yet not to be outrageously impressionistic. They are just the right stuff.