Amity Street, hailing from Honolulu gives a hint of more than just the local music. It is harsh and it is rockin hot. I love the alternative tone on the voice, sensible and innovative and easy on the ear yet nothing conventional or traditional about it. it’s a totally original sound out of a state with so many distinctive local cultural sound. It’s like uncontaminated, or rather it’s totally rebelous over the ancient Hawaiian voice. HAHA! Here are our conversation with them.... or one of them, the lead singer, Jason Everett
Hey Jason, thanks for accepting my invitation for an interview. Shall we start now?
Q:Let’s start with who you are and how long have you guys been playing together? How do you guys actually became a band?
A) I started AmityStreet about 3 years ago. There have been many changes in the line-up since then, the only constant being myself. The current line-up has been at it for about a year.
Q:Now about your music. How would you describe it?
A)Our music...I would describe it as melodic..and thought provoking.
Q:though you guys are from Hawaii, but the grudge sound you guys created are so unique, I can’t help but noticing the inkling of some European influence there. So who’d you guys say that’s your inspiration?
A) I have so many influences...John Lennon, Jeff Buckley, Thom Yorke, Chris Martin, Sigur Ros, Muse, Travis, Stereophonics...I could go on and on. It's all about a strong vocal to me....
That explain the hint of rock scent in the music.
That explain the hint of rock scent in the music.
Q:So How you guys really write music? Do you sit around jamming and joking around and come out with it. Or most it the main melody comes from one of you and then the other’s pitch in?
A) I write almost all of the songs. Usually they are just simple melodies I create on my acoustic. When I have a song..or song idea nearly complete..I turn it over to the band..and it evolves. It's truly an assembly line. Each member adds their own touch to it, and if it feels right..we keep it. It's a nice system, the songs evolve so much..that they are almost unrecognizable. Songwriting itself is funny..it rather cliche..but most of the songs write themselves. I usually have some topic that I want to address, and if I come up with a strong melody...the words tend to just flow out.
Q:I realize that you guys only put charity and eco friendly friend on your top friend list. So is it a statement? Or you guys are just into greens?
A)The charities in our top friends list are addressing concerns and topic's that we believe in. We are not trying to say we OR they have the answers. We just think that certain topics should be addressed, thought over, and questioned. If your going to stir up thought about world issues, you might as well provide links to people so that they can continue to harvest more information. To me most of humanity's problems stem from ignorance. Knowledge is...and always will be the key.
Q: Do you guys have any recording in CD in distribution or any on iTunes at the moment? How would the fan lend their support to your band or get a hold of your music?
A)Unfortunately at this moment we don't have any music available for purchase. Recording is on the very near horizon, we are just trying to get as tight as a band as possible. Honolulu is a small market, so the support we have received already is pretty unbelievable. We are very thankful, and are looking forward to getting in the studio and getting our debut CD out to our fans.
Q: If anyone wish to contact you guys or book for a show. Who or where should they contact?
A) Right now our myspace site is the best way to contact us. I personally respond to almost all of our incoming messages and comments.
Q: Now let’s get to the real meat of the show! Who’s single and who’s not? HAHA!
A) We choose to be fairly private about our personal lives. I will say for myself...there are two incredibly important people in my life, they know who they are, and they know how I feel about them. Pretty boring I know...
Q: Last but not least, anything you guys would like to say to your fans and the readers?
A) I would just like to say thank you. It's been a crazy roller coaster so far. I enjoy writing music, and consider myself lucky to be surrounded by a great band, great friends and family, and amazing fans. We are nothing without the support of all of you, so we are ..and always will be eternally thankful for this opportunity to entertain you all.Thanks again for letting us in on your music and life. I wish all the Best for you guys and Love the music.
If any of you would like to get this band to perform in your area. Check them out and book them for a show at http://www.myspace.com/amitystreet . These guys are fantastic and fit right into the big city circuit.
Signing off,
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