Everything’s good comes slowly. This week we got our hands on Jim Gaven. We got into contact with him when we feature him in one of our new artist review. And I should say he is a great guy to talk to. That acoustic sound that is both honest and pure is simply exquisitely composed. Every instrument is mastered to perfection and no disturbance of any electronics and engineered sound. It’s as fresh as walking through the green meadow in Louisiana. Thick with stretches of green valley intertwine with huge, ancient oak trees. Miles and miles of green. The sound of the forever flow of the Majestic Mississippi river, accompany by the evergreen and the smell of the green swarm. It is both warm and comfortingly familiar. It’s just.... natural. That’s the Jim Gaven I came to know.
Hi there, Jim. So how have you been lately?
A: Hey there, I'm doing pretty well. How about yourself?
Fine, Thank you for taking the time for the interview. We Appreciate it.
Q:So Jim, where are you from and how long have you been writing and playing your own music?
A: I'm from Hamilton, NJ and I've been playing music for 8 years now, writing my own music for 6 years.
Q:Wow! You play almost every kind of instrument. How that came about? Is it hard? Apparently not for you.
A: Yes, I started off learning how to play guitar when I was 16 by teaching myself. From being in bands and surrounded by various musicians, I picked up other instruments along the way. I would say that I can get around really well on a guitar, bass, and piano. I'm still learning the ins and outs of drumming, but getting there. I've found that once you learn one instrument, picking up another one (for me) doesn't seem to be that hard. It's easily translatable. All in all, it's just fun to learn new things.
Q:What do you think about your music that makes you stand out from the others?
A: I think that my music speaks for itself. I'm really trying to go for a more grassroots kind of acoustic feel. By grassroots, I mean, really kind of stripped down acoustic sound with some nice layering of bass and strings/piano to bring up the low end in the recordings. I believe that generally music fans are yearning for something that is true and real again in music, and I only hope I continue to bring that to the table when I write and record.
Q:Since you produce all your music yourself, you ever thought you want to collaborate with any other producer? Any singer or producer in mind that you wish to work with?
A: Yes, I have thought about working with other people when I do my own recordings, but I really like being able to do things my own kind of way. It's less stressful that way and definitely less expensive-haha. I guess in the end it's more of like a self-accomplishment kind of thing--to know that created everything myself and be able to mix it down and get it out there for people to hear.
Q:When you write a piece of song, what is your source of inspiration? How do you write? Do you create the lyrics first or the music?
A: Lately, it's been nature really inspiring me--like watching a sunrise or a sunset, and just reflecting on how beautiful the world really is around us. I know I used to take all the beauty the world has to offer for granted, and I'm so glad I've been able to tap into writing about the environment around me. But, I mean, I still write the occasional song about a girl or a relationship (whether it be a girlfriend or just a friend in my life) that kind of went sour--but I want to take the positive out of every situation and bring that to the forefront instead of dwelling on all of the bad things--almost to tell a story about how love can overcome all. I really want to write songs that make you think about a good time in your life--make you think that you're not the only one who feels what you're feeling, that you are not alone...to write songs about hope and love. After all, we're all in this together. I believe we were meant to help each other as much as possible in our short time here on Earth, and I only hope to make a positive difference/impact on the world. And, to answer the last question, I usually write the music first and then the lyrics--that's generally how my songs come to fruition.
Q:Are there any future plans or projects in place? such as any show or CD coming soon?
A: Yes, I'm actually in the final stages of mixing my next release on Itunes, which should be coming out around April of next year--it's going to be called, "Define: Intervention". I really can't wait to share it with everyone. I'm extremely proud of these songs (probably 12 altogether) and hope that everyone enjoys them!!! Oh, and about shows--I am trying to put together some sort of tour over winter break (for 2 weeks) up and down the east coast, so if anyone has any contact information for any venues (preferably coffeehouses or churches that do shows), please get in touch with me on myspace at http://www.myspace.com/jimgaven, email at gavenjam@yahoo.com, or AIM at dashpx9.
Q:Let’s get into something that’s more personal. So are you still single? What’s in a girl that attracts you?
A: Yes, I am single. There are so many things that could attract me to a girl, but the things that really matter are: are you funny? Do you have a great personality? Are you attractive (inner and outer beauty, but inner beauty means way more to me) and do you have strong faith in God?
Q:Last but not least, would you like to say anything to the people who supported you all this while and your fan?
A: All I can say is THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your support. I truly appreciate it a lot. You really do have no idea how much it means to me when you comment on my 'New Song of the Week' on my myspace site and share it with your friends and family. Thank you again, and please feel free to keep in touch with me whenever
No, I Thank you for really taking the time to answer all our question. My Best wishes for your success man. All the Best. and I'll keep an eye on the new release.
Signing off, Jonathan and Jim Gaven
A couple of preview for you all. Thanks to our overwhelming response for interview booking. we have a few more interviews booked in advance and we maybe increasing our artist feature and interviews frequency. My thanks to all my new friends for the your response. we will come to you as soon as we can.
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