Thursday, October 16, 2008

Final Debate is over and the verdict is in. it's up to you to vote.

Could the tendency of the voters be more one sided this year?
First there is the cool McCain, the experienced, the veteran. Then another side is Obama, the young, the bombastic, the one who knows what to say at exactly the right time.
Then the celebrity support is no doubt heave on one side of the scale. The hip, the young, the liberal on Obama, the not so conventionally conventional, the usual faces of the GOP, the general support of the republican on McCain. Yes I won’t deny that the force the Republican have presented is a strong one as strong as always. And yet this time could Obama actually be better. Rather than the usual feuding we see on debates, the fume of burning rage on both side. This time, on the final debate, it’s totally lopsided.
McCain ranting on about everything, and Obama keep beaming back by saying focus on important issue.
While it’s great that Obama been keeping a cool head yet it’s not the first time that a cool president become too cool that no real policy and no real impact changes is implemented.
While now the election’s image is everything and by the looks of it. Obama is all out there and McCain have only the Republican on his side and non of the swinging. At least from the poll there aren’t.
It is time for changes. No one can actually guarantee, McCain will follow Bush’s administration. And there no guarantee that Obama will be a great president ahead either. Yet, everyone knows that a change. A really, really big change is needed ahead and the next president have to be darn good at his job. There’s plenty of foreign policy and relationship to be mended, there’s tons of domestic problem to be solve. And there’s much to much rules that’s limiting and trapping the American into some hole than the freedom they always say they have. Now even American thinks that the European have more freedom than themselves. Half of European don’t own guns while there’s no ban on it and there’s half as less weapon related murder there. So...... what’s really went wrong there? Or should I say went right?
Yes, a good president does change a lot, but not everything the president can change.
If American can get angry from rumors and then you’d wonder how fragile the social structure really is? Islam, Middle East-ian, Black, Second generation Imagrant? All that Obama represent is the ultimate American dreams and yet the most unusually unconventional thought in America. And McCain is the total opposite of it all. I never write equation on conventional and old-style hard head red neck. Conventional sometimes does present a good foundation to work on. yet this time McCain have presented too few a good that conventional could bring. And Obama in everyway fits the ultimate, young American image. Changes that’s much needed (not that anyone knows what he’d change will be a good one yet), American Dreams – everyone can make it in this free country, Young, energetic (relinquishing the worry of power exchange if the president dies, and the will of energy to fight.) Could it be too great a gap to close this time.
We’ll see next month. And now when the final debate is finished...... what’s left is just more advertisement, talks and the final votes and verdict.
I do hope that All American did what they think is right and vote. And they could make the right choice. Regardless how minute you think that vote is, the next president will continue to effect the world...... until one day American really lost it’s grip as the world’s leader and over taken by Europe and China.

so remember to register and vote. make your vote count. makes every vote count.

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