Friday, October 24, 2008

TV what's new! what's not! and what's hot!

We are swarm this week with all the booking and work to be done. Sorry for the delays and we shall start our weekends with television.
The television lately have been crowded with so many new dramas that it is a fear that it won’t been good enough or enough space for the new drama to remain.
Teen energy charged drama seems to take last year’s season strong. One Tree Hill continuing, Gossip Girl definitely a hit, so does Lipstick Jungle and Chuck, The Reaper and Puching Daisies.

This year to rival the gossip girl would be the Secret Life of a American Teenager , which is creating wave since the beginning be seems to have lose it’s lust. 90210 opens with high expectation and a bang with the support of the old cast, but they are far off base after the buzz, much like the tone of the Election. Fringe is a great drama that’s close to the X File clan but the curiousity and suspense just keep building and building there’s simple testing my patience with all the question not answer. Knight Rider is a good one, normal, close to a good start and the first this season to be pick up for the whole lot. But I’m doubtful whether it will last. Christian Slater's My Own Worst Enemy is a hit at the moment with so many spies serious drama off the rack last year the replacement is a much needed supply. Good choice for the studio. But as much as I love the new series, still the buzz is not as big as any of the old series.
This year it seems that people are still pretty loyal to drama that’s more than one years old. Grey’s Anatomy, One Tree Hill, 30 Rock, Private Practice, Entourage, Mad Men, Smallville, Supernatural, Ugly Betty.
It’s just the way it is. Though the star in the series may Blossom but it may not means the drama will.
Mid night talk show will get a big host shuffle soon.
As for the reality show, I’m already off The Hill clan and any of the North Port or South Beach land or the Kardashian. No more home drama. Just not interesting to me anymore. I am however more interested in those reality competition show.

Such as Dancing with the Stars, the show is getting more and more heat up as most of the hot seat been taken off, will the only remaining playa be the youngest versus the Oldest? I wonder, that would truly be one hell of a final to watch. Then after that is over, American Idol will be here. Oh maybe those reading should know, now is the time to check the location of the AI audition near you. It’s already started.

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