Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Coming of the End of the Twilight SAGA

Well, Finally I’ve finish the 3rd book in the Twilight Saga and started on the forth.
When you read the series, you’ll find that New Moon and Eclipse (2nd and 3rd book) should be read together. Just like Eldest and Brinsgr of the Eragon Trilogy.
The story is so interwoven that after you finish with the 2nd book, you’ll know that it’s just the beginning of the warewolves and the vampire.
Though the story didn’t end with the 3rd book. A wedding, Isabella Swan’s and Edward Cullen’s and the transformation Bella to vampire and the invasion of the royal family of Vampire from Italy. All that is still to be answer in the forth book. But I must say that it’s a good closure for all those characters that come out of the 1st Twilight book. The forth is to tie off the loose end of those that appear in the second book, (which is most probably to be the most boring of the four.)
Now I started with Breaking Dawn. It’ll be an epic between the tiny town of the Swan and Cullen vs the royal Volturi of Italy.
What makes the book most compelling, especially the girls is that it’s written in the first character’s Bella view point. It’s as if every reader is herself playing the part of Bella. Falling in Love, betrayed, heart broken, frustrated, who said that book shouldn’t be written as first person term. Anyway which makes the story more fun cause you can’t see into everyone’s situation like most story and can concentrate on experiencing the adventure themselves.
So for those of you that have not begun the journey, you might want to try it out. It’s a good ride I’ll say. And mine will end in a couple of weeks.

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