Sunday, October 19, 2008

Movie, and so much more

Hey there everyone have everyone had a great weekend?
I hope so, because I have HAHA!

First of all, let’s start the topic of the week, as usual Movie review on the first day of the week.
Max Payne is the name and sorry to say it is a ultimate maximum pain in the ass.
It is a good enough movie. The effect is good. But the trailer had build up too much expectation that non of anything follow really fits.
There’s no evil, there’s no max action, there’s no fast pace. In fact the pace is so slow I barely got through the last minute. The only thing that actually got me going is Mark Wahlberg.
He is a great actor. The suspense is not good enough, nor is the action and the illusion of the devil almost have a feeling that we have been cheated.
I must admit there are some art of the movie that is good. But the whole film feels like we are watching the novel one piece by one piece fast in a 2 hours period and we didn’t get a rhythm nor the detail. It felt just a bit empty and slow in the end.
I won’t give away too much. All in all it’s a 4 out of 10 for me.

I hope that the HSM3 really got the gut for the build up, premiere last Friday and apparently I haven’t saw a single review yet.

Of course not to forget the W. Bushes documentary. People say it’s a comedy, or a movie to poke on Bush Jr. But as we all know Oliver Stone. Be it humor, be it comedy or not. It should be a truthful representation of the president life. It is controversial, not everyone would like it. but I still think it’s worth a look to see good or bad, how and what American have chosen for the past 8 years. And whether they think they have made the right choice.
(Guys make a better choice this time will you? I beg you for the sake of the world!!! I say it with no regards on the new candidates. Just your old choice really is a max pain in my ass.)
No it didn’t dampen my spirit for the day. So after I’ve finished with the movie I went out. It’s a strange thing. I haven’t been one with the city for so long that I realise this is the first time in more than a year’s time I actually got on the sub. So I was in the sub and then I was a guy came out of it at a station before mine. So I thought why not. Just go out and see what’s out there. So while I was walking the unfamiliar road actually it became a discovery. There’s this street with so many pub that I never know it’s existed before. Ok moving on, I reach my destination and then to my familiar store for a DVD and just known that I got scammed for there’s the very DVD sold for 10% of what I paid last week for. Shit! Haha! And then I was in that Nando’s by the street with the great view in the second floor of the busy street below. It’s the perfect spot.
Well, after I have my brunch, at 3pm...... (can it still be called brunch I wonder?!!) I go into china town and then walk back to the mall.
At about 9pm I actually got out of the mall and walk to the street. (Yes, I walk a lot this week and it’s worth it. going all the places that I now normally don’t get to.). the street was filled with people. It never was that crowded before. And it’s happening like it’s Downtown Manhattan. Every kind of people are out there. People break dancing and skating at night on the street literally. And then there’s the food street. Plenty of people being scam there pay double for what they ate HAHA!
It may sound it it’s an awful day, no great movie, no great adventure, no great DVDs. But you know what? That one walk, I realise my stamina is up, there’s this totally new dimension to life that’s just out there for me to discover. And there’s this really great party area for me to get to later. HAHA! Life is simply full of surprises.

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