Friday, October 24, 2008

Respect and Love, we have it all in ourselves! Why Nag?!

One thing I learn from my work if not work, it’s respect. It is an illusion.
While we make sure that as hard as we can to respect people, but we can’t demand respect from people.
We can only earn it, not demand it.
I have encountered so many of the people here that done this in reverse. Every bit of the day I heard complains about it. He not respect me, that person not respect me. One even decide to resign because of one word from one stranger.
But it is not our right to demand it when other refuses to give. Of course human rights and all that other issue aside, a common respect between people is what we strive for. But not demand because some people just don’t give them freely, and some became irritable when you keep nagging and whining about it. Have you ever thought that that might be exactly what makes you not respected? Nagging and whining for respect is not something a person should do. Don’t you respect yourself enough to have enough for yourself? Why is other’s recognition so important? And if so then do better! Earn it! Make it positive than negatively complaining about it. Nothing good is gonna come out of it when you are complaining. The positive move is re-examine yourself what you can do better and make it happen. Sooner or later, no one would even think of disrespecting you.
We do not need any people in this world to give recognition or respect. That is an after effect when you do well in your own life, an illusion of images that people have on us. If we have enough respect on ourselves, we will eventually respect people and when our life is great then does a respect from someone you don’t really care really matter? I think it’s the best choice to go inward than outward and not try to think or control what you don’t have in the first place.
*** I would like to thanks for all of you who have been sending in request with your press kit and free CDs. I love em all. Who wouldn’t? HAHA! Thanks very much. I’ll try my best to get through them all and give a great review on them. (The not good one we’ll just talk about it in messages OK! HAHA! And publish the new effort later.) I love you all and wish you all the best doing what you love! Oh thanks for the clothing sample and photos from you-know-who –you-are and help me finish the fashion article.
Keep working on all your work and I’ll do my best to get things right for all of us.
Let’s celebrate guys!!!! Samba Please, Salsa….. HAHA!

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