Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm Back!!! All Recharged and ready to go.

Hey everyone, I’m back. Well not that I’ve gone anywhere, just gone on a holiday. Nothing much, just kids and stuff. HAHA! One thing really strange though. I got back on to the Rubik’s cube band wagon and find that I’m not really that rusty on it. HAHA!
Anyway, coming back from the trip, I realise a lot of stuff and really got me refocus. Actually I’m pretty out of focus today for no sleeping enough the day before and not enough money and all HAHA!
But one amazing thing happen on my trip, seemingly the most heavy traffic season of the year, I dodged every bullet that there is, traffic jam, parking space, in fact I got so lucky that almost everytime I go out I’ve parked in front of the place I want to go, even the cinema I got the best sit in the house. I feel that I’m invincible. For a week only that is HAHA!
Well, since I’m back I don’t intend to stay mum, let’s get down to business.
Last night, after a girls night out with the gal, a quick brunch and Kareoke, of course the gal gone home for their beauty sleep and I head down to the cinema for a fix on my movie bugs.

Eagle Eye is the movie. My friend once said that Steven Speilberg’s exec produce film no good. But this one is totally the other way around. High action packed and totally suspense. But there’s a downside to it. It gets somewhat predictable and ended too abruptly that it felt empty at the end of the films. Guys would love this one. As for the girls, unless you are a movie freak or a suspense freak. (I’m all the freak there is when it comes to movies HAHA!). I won’t tell you the whole plot and spoil the whole thing. You can get an inkling of what it is with the trailers. I will say this. It is an action movie more than anything. Maybe that’s just me because I knew what it would be. Because there’s less plot of than Bourne then I must say it’s not a big loser, yet not the biggest gainer I’ll expect. For Shia’s fan out there, this one you shouldn’t miss. It’s the one movie you seldom see Shia show all his chops on the emotional side. Some local critics say that he is trying to change his image from a teens to a man. I will say sorry guys, he has already arrive when he did “The Greatest Games Ever”. He is the one few of those actor out there that’s so unique you’ll find legend’s quality in and more. And with the backing of Mr. Speilberg, he’ll shine as bright as any star you’ll ever see. (Just don’t waste it on beer and drugs Shia.... HAHA! Just kidding.)
Speaking of a great actor, just some quick flash on what’s happen in the entertainment last week.
The great Paul Newman is off to heaven, our condolences and prayers goes out to the family, friends and may God take him under His wings.
And there’s Michael Cera‘s Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist on the movie board this week, that is one of the most anticipated movie for me. I mean it’s Michael Cera, that’s one actor you can’t find more dorky yet..... sensible in a movie ever. The movie is a love story with plenty of music so every tween will be in the mood and enjoy this one.
Of course everybody is talking about the Vice Presidential Debate this week. If you ask me the truth, regardless how many of the buzz is, it’s a bit of a disappointment for me that both candidates didn’t really show much in it. Yeah, everyone watch it, Palin maybe the attraction, but the bottom line is, the publicity stunt just end right when they start speaking. There’s just not that much there. Not much commitment, not much policy, I think the bailout is more attractive.

Enough politics, cos whatever is on the news this week, the tween are totally not into it. Reason? High School Musical in on a world tour premier this whole month going from country to country, kicking it start at France and Spain, and there’s no way that anyone outside of American from the age of 6- 30 is looking at the debate at all, or the slumping economy. HAHA! Well, it will get back up soon enough. probably a good time to invest now before the market rise to a bull. Yup, the HSM gang have arrive. Plenty of screaming fans and waving and then there they go into the real movie in a cinema.

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