Many perceive that our magazine only distribute the indie or rock music. Yet actually our most passionate music genre is operatic or big air singing.
One reason for us to not walk into that field this late is because most of the artist in this genre are going through intensive training constantly and the one only been able to come out as a real singer only have one or 2 big break in their life. For an opera artist that is not attached to any company would not have a chance in the genre.
Thus there is no way to start introducing artists before they actually get on stage for a performance or coming out with a CD. The interesting part of the art is that when you go to Italy, most of the traditional diner and bar have at least one Italian that can sing a pretty good sounding Operatic music, though not exactly up to the professional standard yet it bring familiarity and warmth to a art and make it not as intimidating. (Italian could start their dinner early and end as late as midnight, which I simply loved.)
But as hard as the business is, there are some contemporary artist that came out lately. Let’s start with some of the legend in the business at the moment.

Dame Kiri te Kanawa, her voice is the majesty of the Opera world. There’s no one in compare. IF you have ever heard her sing. She is better than nightingale, and the best of all singer.

Andrea Bocelli, the Italian Stallion of the opera world. His voice is pure pleasure and pure enthusiasm. Maybe it’s because of his blindness that makes him momresensetive to sound. But in his voice, every twist and turn is a detail and every detail bring a shot of surprises.

Il Divo, this group of tenor (not all of them are tenor), to think of a group form by 4 individual from all corners of the earth and brought in their own unique charm and culture to the stage and brought the thickness to the whole art. Yes they are contemporary and not totally the standard art. But to tell the truth, to make an art exclusive is a bit unfair to those unable to afford it and in the spirit of spreading the love of the art I think it’s not totally wrong to losen up the standard and insert a jet of modern touch to the touch to let more people to understand and get into the art more easily.

Russell Watson, another tenor I think is good enough to be on the very stage that many have step on. but he’d chosen to be on tour and be a pop star or operatic voice. That’s a good choice to me. I love the New Zealander and Australian way of expressing their love to the art. Big concert out in the field of a huge stadium. Though without the echo of the opera house makes the standard lower, but to have a million of people enjoying the sound and singing with you is a totally different sensation and you know that they love you, they really love your voice.

Sarah Brightman, the ultimate and only Christine in my mine. Since my first encounter musical theatre is from Phantom of the Opera. (Sound of Music and My Fair Lady is a movie starter for me.) and Sarah is the only Christine I’ve known for over 10 years that’s all I could identify with Christine. No one is to compare. The last note of the phantom of the Opera is what makes it so impressive. And then when Sarah sang in the movie Fifth Element. That makes her the most amazing non-operatic opera singer to me.
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