Ryan Schmidt is a young star that havs been making the round around USA lately. Playing in some of the venue all of over United States. At a very young age, Ryan’s sounds are pretty mature as a musician. There is no doubt that he is talented. Playing and composing all his own songs, the complexity of a professional yet retained the originality and freshness of a new artist is a really rare combination for young artist like Ryan. We hope that he got great success ahead of him.
Here are our conversations.
Hey Ryan, How’s your day?
Hey Jonathan. My day is great. I am in my hotel in New York City's East Village relaxing before my show at the Sidewalk Cafe tonight.
Q: Let’s start by some intro shall we? Where are you from? How you started in music and how you describe you music?
A:I was raised in a small town in New Hampshire, though my music has always been based out of Boston, Massachusetts. Music has been a part of my life from a very young age. I always sang and composed "love songs". Since your knowledge of love is limited at the age of seven, they tended to lack any real substance. I’ve recently found old cassette tapes of my early stuff; it’s ridiculous. Four years ago I became serious a serious singer/songwriter and now you can't get me to stop playing. I like to tell people my music is a culmination of ideas, stories about the nuances of love. I've never settled on one genre, mostly because I get bored easily and keep trying new styles. That is the reason why a listener will hear anything from alt-country, to traditional folk to indie-rock. My music is no holds barred.
Q: You have been playing music for a long time. When did you realize that you want to pursue it professionally?
A:For the past four years I have been a performing musician. Before then, only my parents and family would hear my songs.It was my first summer playing shows, I was singing at this open mic at a bar called The Grog. The place was packed with people who just wanted to drink. I thought I hadn’t gotten through to anyone. After the show, a married couple came up to me to say how much they enjoyed my set. They were so nice and truly enjoyed my music. The woman asked me if this was something I wanted to pursue as a career. It was the first time I thought of my music as a career rather than a hobby and from then on I knew I couldn’t do anything else.
Q: what is your thought as an independent musician in the current music scene? Has the internet been a help? Or have all the illegal downloading been a pain in the ass?
A:It has never been a better time to be an independent musician. More and more music fans are migrating towards fresh and undiscovered music. Independent music tends to challenge the listener more, provide more insight and emotion and contain tangible passion. The Internet has created the indie revolution by allowing music fans unlimited access to all music. It was only possible for the independent movement to grow if the major labels concurrently diminished. It is a double-edged sword. The Internet is the greatest tool ever offered to an independent musician while, at the same time, the kryptonite to major labels. Illegal downloading doesn’t affect the indie acts all too much. Any chance to spread our music is an opportunity we embrace.
Q: where do you get your inspiration from?
A:Growing up in a small humble town really made me who I am today. It was a community that was loving and supportive and extremely tight-knit, an ideal place for any child to grow up. We only had one store known lovingly as the Village. I draw a lot of my inspiration from my small town beginnings. Living in a city, you miss the simplicity.Relationships, of course, became my most frequented subject. When we are young we think we know everything and it turns out the older we get, the less we know. There are many questions left unanswered that I tend to pose in my songs. It has been really exciting experiencing the changes in my songwriting as I mature.
Q: are there any artist or producer that you admire and wish to work with?
A:Right now I am working with a fantastic producer, Ed Valauskas from Q Division studios here in Boston, MA. He has worked with many great acts including Juliana Hatfield, Eli “The Paperboy” Reed, and Howie Day. I’ve always dreamed of doing a Thanksgiving themed album with Hanson… On a more serious note, I would really like to do some work with Regina Spektor. She has an engaging voice and unique style that I really admire.
Q: How long do we still have to wait for your next album Ryan? HAHA! We can’t wait anymore HAHA! So how have all the development been going on?
A:Right now we have finished five tracks out of the projected twelve. They are sounding great, we're all very happy thus far. We are taking most of November and December off to shop the three song album sampler to labels and industry folk. My guess is that we’d be done with the record by February and it could be ready by Summer ’09, but don’t quote me on that. You can’t rush art. You’ll no doubt have access to the album sampler in the meantime.
Q: if any people wish to contact and book you for a show. How could they get hold on you? Who should they call?
A:That’s a very good question. All club and event booking inquiries (as well as an other questions) can be sent to ryanschmidtmusic@gmail.com and all college booking requests to Jennifer Bair, Jennifer@seethemusic.net .
Q: now, the most interested question by any readers. Are you still single? What kind of girl would be the right one for you?
A:Now I’m really in the hot seat! I am recently single actually. I tend to look for a girl who is confident, intelligent and independent. Someone who is a great listener and really cares about actual matters and not material ones. They have to be a fan of all music and going out to see bands play. I also like someone who is well read and doesn’t mind that I am, in my own right, a dork.
Q: Anything you wish to say to everyone before we go off?
A:I want to thank you for having me share my thoughts on your page. The last album, “Burning Bitter Years” is available on iTunes, Napster and Amazon for download. Expect the new album out in ’09. For more updates and the latest news check out www.myspace.com/AboutSchmidt . Thanks a million.
Well, Thank you for taking the time before the show to answer our question Ryan. We really appreciate the opportunity. We hope you have a great time at the show and your future venture man.