Friday, November 28, 2008

Exclusive interview with: Ryan Schmidt

Ryan Schmidt is a young star that havs been making the round around USA lately. Playing in some of the venue all of over United States. At a very young age, Ryan’s sounds are pretty mature as a musician. There is no doubt that he is talented. Playing and composing all his own songs, the complexity of a professional yet retained the originality and freshness of a new artist is a really rare combination for young artist like Ryan. We hope that he got great success ahead of him.

Here are our conversations.

Hey Ryan, How’s your day?
Hey Jonathan. My day is great. I am in my hotel in New York City's East Village relaxing before my show at the Sidewalk Cafe tonight.
Q: Let’s start by some intro shall we? Where are you from? How you started in music and how you describe you music?
A:I was raised in a small town in New Hampshire, though my music has always been based out of Boston, Massachusetts. Music has been a part of my life from a very young age. I always sang and composed "love songs". Since your knowledge of love is limited at the age of seven, they tended to lack any real substance. I’ve recently found old cassette tapes of my early stuff; it’s ridiculous. Four years ago I became serious a serious singer/songwriter and now you can't get me to stop playing. I like to tell people my music is a culmination of ideas, stories about the nuances of love. I've never settled on one genre, mostly because I get bored easily and keep trying new styles. That is the reason why a listener will hear anything from alt-country, to traditional folk to indie-rock. My music is no holds barred.
Q: You have been playing music for a long time. When did you realize that you want to pursue it professionally?
A:For the past four years I have been a performing musician. Before then, only my parents and family would hear my songs.It was my first summer playing shows, I was singing at this open mic at a bar called The Grog. The place was packed with people who just wanted to drink. I thought I hadn’t gotten through to anyone. After the show, a married couple came up to me to say how much they enjoyed my set. They were so nice and truly enjoyed my music. The woman asked me if this was something I wanted to pursue as a career. It was the first time I thought of my music as a career rather than a hobby and from then on I knew I couldn’t do anything else.
Q: what is your thought as an independent musician in the current music scene? Has the internet been a help? Or have all the illegal downloading been a pain in the ass?
A:It has never been a better time to be an independent musician. More and more music fans are migrating towards fresh and undiscovered music. Independent music tends to challenge the listener more, provide more insight and emotion and contain tangible passion. The Internet has created the indie revolution by allowing music fans unlimited access to all music. It was only possible for the independent movement to grow if the major labels concurrently diminished. It is a double-edged sword. The Internet is the greatest tool ever offered to an independent musician while, at the same time, the kryptonite to major labels. Illegal downloading doesn’t affect the indie acts all too much. Any chance to spread our music is an opportunity we embrace.
Q: where do you get your inspiration from?
A:Growing up in a small humble town really made me who I am today. It was a community that was loving and supportive and extremely tight-knit, an ideal place for any child to grow up. We only had one store known lovingly as the Village. I draw a lot of my inspiration from my small town beginnings. Living in a city, you miss the simplicity.Relationships, of course, became my most frequented subject. When we are young we think we know everything and it turns out the older we get, the less we know. There are many questions left unanswered that I tend to pose in my songs. It has been really exciting experiencing the changes in my songwriting as I mature.
Q: are there any artist or producer that you admire and wish to work with?
A:Right now I am working with a fantastic producer, Ed Valauskas from Q Division studios here in Boston, MA. He has worked with many great acts including Juliana Hatfield, Eli “The Paperboy” Reed, and Howie Day. I’ve always dreamed of doing a Thanksgiving themed album with Hanson… On a more serious note, I would really like to do some work with Regina Spektor. She has an engaging voice and unique style that I really admire.
Q: How long do we still have to wait for your next album Ryan? HAHA! We can’t wait anymore HAHA! So how have all the development been going on?
A:Right now we have finished five tracks out of the projected twelve. They are sounding great, we're all very happy thus far. We are taking most of November and December off to shop the three song album sampler to labels and industry folk. My guess is that we’d be done with the record by February and it could be ready by Summer ’09, but don’t quote me on that. You can’t rush art. You’ll no doubt have access to the album sampler in the meantime.
Q: if any people wish to contact and book you for a show. How could they get hold on you? Who should they call?
A:That’s a very good question. All club and event booking inquiries (as well as an other questions) can be sent to and all college booking requests to Jennifer Bair, .
Q: now, the most interested question by any readers. Are you still single? What kind of girl would be the right one for you?
A:Now I’m really in the hot seat! I am recently single actually. I tend to look for a girl who is confident, intelligent and independent. Someone who is a great listener and really cares about actual matters and not material ones. They have to be a fan of all music and going out to see bands play. I also like someone who is well read and doesn’t mind that I am, in my own right, a dork.
Q: Anything you wish to say to everyone before we go off?
A:I want to thank you for having me share my thoughts on your page. The last album, “Burning Bitter Years” is available on iTunes, Napster and Amazon for download. Expect the new album out in ’09. For more updates and the latest news check out . Thanks a million.

Well, Thank you for taking the time before the show to answer our question Ryan. We really appreciate the opportunity. We hope you have a great time at the show and your future venture man.

All the Best.

New Artist : Black Tide, Tatiana Moroz, Adam Gregory, Michael Fredo and This Century

After close to 2 weeks of delays we finally got our New Artist feature up and running again.
We have been pretty busy booking some of the best act out there and introduce to you guys.
Besides the one that we have mention earlier this week, we got plenty more on hold at the moment. We are keeping our finger crossed.
Now let us start our week with a bang, first up on this week’s list would be the ultimate metal of all new heavy Metal. Black Tide. I accidentally came across this group about a week ago on TV. And I find it so interesting. Because all heavy band seems to have gone underground lately that I never thought I’d hear another metal band with enough projection to surface under all the R&B and Hip Hop mainstream. But Black Tides is all the scruffy hard rocker fave. Though I’m not a really huge fan of the genre, I am moved somehow with this virtually young group. They are pure Heavy Rock to the core. And it’s simply fascinating. Check them out at
You should check out Tatiana Moroz, who’d become our January Feature artist. Her dreamy voice will capture you in a split of a second. HAHA! We love a female artist that’s original. The silky sound with a country tune, that’s pretty amazing to us. the soft voice complimented the tough chick of the south in an amzing way. Listen to her soon to be out album on
Adam Gregory, no not the 90210 star. This musician is pretty funny when we came across him. I’m looking into some photo the other day that I came across his. Totally different from the young Adam of 90210. His sound is country with a bit of rock edge. The maturity of the music is remarkably on the same level with any country star out there. He is a country star in the making definitely. Check out his music at
Michael Fredo, has an album out at a really young age. But it’s a perfect representation of what he’d be able to do. The wonderful vocal spell every breath of a great artist through the soul. Studying music at a very young age and going into the prestige Julliard School of Music, this fantastic musician thread a lot of road that artist could only dream of. check him out at
Then there’s the pretty pop group of This Century. Though this group presented a mainstream pop sound, but the small hint of rock and alternative in the voice is quite refreshing. Still pretty soft pop, but as intimating as the usually bubble pop sound nor the ear splitting bang of the rock. They are just the right the proportion and the young energy is surging all over. Check them out at

Well, this is a first!!! Friday night no movies. cos we still recommand Twilight!!!!

Finally after close to 2 long months, I've finish the last and the thickest volume of the Twilight Saga. Breaking Dawn is what I've expected. Bella becoming the inevitable, and the face off with the Romanian Coven will happen and end.
It's as exciting, just that these couple of months been pretty crazy and I can only do one chapter at a time the most.
Anyway though we have no recommendation for the cinema besides this crazily popular now..... Vampire story.
we do have some review of the DVD on the rack now. and most of the Summer Blockbuster is now on my shelf. the only one missing is the run away hit Into the Wild and Little Miss Sunshine (I know they are not from this year, just that I can't find these 2 DVD for months now, only CD is available. shit!!!) and Narnia's Prince Caspian, it is strange to have not seen this great fantasy on DVD yet until now, when we already got Ironman, The Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, even Indiana Jones' Crystal Skull is on the rack. I guess the studio is very eager to sell out all the DVD before the holiday season passes. Good of the audience and bad for the Cinema who wish to do some replay, and us who wish to watch some of the movies on the big screen though.
Today I'll talk about the Indy Saga..... before you got the 4th installment and you have the trilogy on hand like me. you should have a look at the first 3 movies. it's a great connection and fun game to connect all 4 movies into one and it's even greater joy to see the character come together in the first movie and end the happy ending in the 4th. though in my heart I hope young indiana can continue with Shia's Mutt character. but I doubt that there will be any without Harrison Ford. it just won't be the same. the subtle humor that Harrison brought to the table is classic in both Indy and Star Wars movies.

US Usher VS Korean Rain

In US, I've been a fan for Usher for a long time. IF there's no Usher, there's probably wouldn't be any comaprison of young star like Chris Brown. He is the ultimate entertainer in Dance pop music. the young singer who can dance with a great voice. of course we are not forgetting the King Of Pop, MJ. Well, everyone in the business says, no one stay the same and stay on top always. probably there will be another new generation that replace even Chris Brown. but to me Usher is still one amazing singer that host the most amazing if not the sexiest concert.
Well, in US there's Usher, the Asian will never be far behind. Korean running as one of the hip hop dances capital of the world today. Besides producing some of the most remarkable Boys band around, they have there own sexy icon. Rain, who have appeared in Speed Racer and will be the lead in another movie coming summer Ninja, is the sexy God in the music business of Asean. His concert is not hotter than Usher's there's no different. same style, same sound and if you ask me. I think that Rain have an even unique voice for the dances he choreograph himself.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

This is why I love the coming winter and Paris is the place to be

Picture says a thousand words. in this case it does.

A slight change of heart

For month’s I’ve been pondering on writing something.
We races through life or rather we mindlessly walk through life a lot of the time, rarely realizing we spend about 90% of our time repeating the same action and thinking the same idea over and over again. one truth stick, which is, if you are thinking or doing the same thing all the while then how do you expect that your life would change?
The routine and the habits they just keeps coming, which is strange, the more we think about it the more possibility that it will occur again.
So we change our hearts. Change our pace. Slow it down, push it forward and run faster. When we slow down we see clearer, when we run we feel happier and when we push forward we forget about what ever little failure and we move on enthusiastically.
Exercise 45 min before work. Sing and dance after work, think when I’m driving and bathing. And rest when I’m asleep. That’s about all my life is. You are what about my job? I have 500 task piled up on my day job and 1000 more on my part time which one you refer to? But there’s no rush so why bother worry? Just sort them out finish one at a time. The number never changes? Why want to reduce them? in this economy, at least 10% of my friends are afraid they have a job that have no task for them and eventually would ask them to take compulsory leave and in the end sag them. I… got a job and I’m doing it, so why worry when there’s really nothing to be worry about? It’s just work, do it and then get on with my life.
It is funny when we fear or worry. I found out that it’s ourselves that created the unnecessary stress. Reason? If you think about it clearly there’s none, it’s just fear. You fear your boss don’t know who you are, you fear there’s no raise…. When the answer maybe just the opposite. Mind tricks that’s what I call them. if you can’t change it then I suggest you accept them as part of life, live with it and brush it off like dust on your shoulder, ashes to ashes, dust to dust don’t come and bother me HAHA! Live in the moment. Enjoy every moment there is. I saw an article on Men’s Health the other day. An interview of Twilight star Cam Gigandet, words well said, as in any audition, "You’re selling a product that happens to be yourself. That brings out so many insecurities. There’s so much fear of failure because it’s so rampant, it’s everywhere. It was paralyzing to the point where I couldn’t get work or enjoy anything. To get where I am, I had to learn to live with fear. It’s all fear. You have to let go of that and keep moving forward."
"You can be as frustrated as you want, but you still have to show up for work. People don’t want to hear about it if you’re frustrated with your big career break. You still have to have a sense of gratitude and professionalism no matter what you do. I’ve been mad at everyone and everything at times. Deal with it at home."
Life is a roller coaster ride, you fall off the wagon, you get back on and smile and continue your journey.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Breaking News: New Artist feature coming soon, Ryan Schmidt and Chris Townsend Exclusive interview with us. News of DWTS and Beyonce is Sasha Fierce

News round up for the week.
Breaking news guys. We have successfully booked quite a few of recording artist for the coming 2 months. It’ll be a great exciting journey for us to introduce these artists exclusively to you guys so keep in view. Just a preview of what’s coming soon. We have already did one with Ryan Schmidt, one of the youngest musician with some of the best talent we have seen, and recording artist Chris Townsend from U.K., a great artist at his own right with his new album Copenhagen hitting the air waves online whole year long. Some more of them that’s coming on our holiday season special will be some of the best musician around, for the teens, we have Prom Night in Black and White, Guy Cassidy, Jimmy Robbins, and Matt Emery. we’ll be doing a promo feature interview in conjunction with Tatiana’s album release. It’ll be an exciting moment for us. and we wish to keep the momentum. So keep tuning in everyone.
**any artist who wish to come in for an artist feature you still have time. Just send in your request and we’ll arrange for the interview. See ya all soon.

As for the obvious movie choice of the week, Twilight and Australia building up their grasp on the flailing box office.
We do have other news coming.
On the TV, Brooke Burke and Hough wins Dancing with the Stars mirror ball.
Beyonce’s album of the year, “I am …. Sasha Fierce” debut at #` on billboard album chart, beating all previous winner, Taylor Swift, and Twilight.
And Barbara Striesand who will be honored at the Kennedy Center next month will be entertained by some of the best artist. Ne-Yo, Queen Latifah, even Beyonce is on the bill.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Jonas Brothers Surprise Concert at House of Blues, Sunset Strip right after AMA

What happen when the Jonas Brothers pill out a free secret concert ?(not exactly a secret really when everyone on the net knows.)
The show on House of Blues on the Sunset Strips right after winning the Breakthrough Artist of the year at the AMA.
While everyone is glue to the TV for the award show of the year. Jonas’ show actually trump the show by half of it’s fans, over a thousand fans already skip the show and line up out the venue when the Jonas is performing “Tonight” on AMA stage.
The FREE 3 hours – 24 songs concert is not just spectacular, besides their own songs, Jo Bro covers such legend from Bob Marley’s “Waiting in Vain” to Tom Petty’s “Freefallin” and John Mayer’s “Gravity”.
They even did a Kanye “Heartless”.
Surprise, surprise, Camp Rock partner in crime, Demi Lovato is on stage with the Bros singing her singles and John Mayer’s “Daughter”, Jordan Sparks jam it on with the brothers on Stevie Wonder’s “Superstition”, and Jesse McCartney perform his hit “Leavin”.
Blues Brothers’ star Dan Aykroyd did the Bo Diddley’s “Who Do You Love?” with the bros too.
It seems that everyone from the AMA come to the concert. HAHA!
Everyone is standing and clapping away and jumping away… oh! Teen angst HAHA!
The marvelous show ended with the harmonious sound of all the guess and the brothers singing to The Beatles “Hey Jude” to a close.
If you ask me, this is the best show since Hanson, Underneath tour.

Exclusive Interview with this week's feature Artist: Pound - Sweden

Pound has been one of the most exciting band we have met here. The sound of their music is electrifying. It’s a perfect rock band with the right mix of electronics and melodic lyrics that created a drift of the modern and classic sound in rock sound evolution. We love the shouting, the beat and the drum that’s totally energetic yet doesn’t overwhelm the songs. There’s no compromise because there is none needed. It’s the exact proportion. Perfect.

Q: Shall we start with an intro of the band. How you all started the adventure? How the band came to the current combination now?
A:Pound was formed in 2004 in the town of Borlänge, located somewhere near the middle of Sweden, by four guys with a great passion for music. The band’s original members were Stefan Gustavsson, Janne Korpela, Mika Itäranta and Martin Haglund. Having played together a few years in the pop/rock band Universal Puppies, the guys felt that we wanted to put a harder edge to our music but still keep the great pop melodies - Pound was the result.
In 2005 we released our first ep “Phantom killer” which received great reviews. The music was heavier than before but Stefan was still the main songwriter so the great melodies were still present.
A few months after the release of “Phantom Killer”, Martin and Mika decided to leave the band to play full time with Astral Doors. Fortunately, during this time Stefan had gotten in touch and played with drummer Samuel Granath who was asked to join the band. Samuel in his turn had recently played with bass player Christian Larsson who was introduced to the other guys. After a jam full of good vibes, Chris joined the band.
Q: what’s Pound is about? Musically and how the heck you guys came up with the name?
A:Pound is the essence of what we believe is good music. The combination of riffs, pop melodies, melancholy and happiness. Our former guitar player Martin came up with it. We thought it sounded good. (boring story)
Q: you guys was under a record label before this. What happen? Did you guys created your own indie label to distribute your album? When will we be expecting any new EP or album?
A:We were offered a record deal with an English company last year but we didn’t think it was what we were looking for so we decided to do it on our own. We hired Tony Harnell as producer and recorded everything last year. Some good songs that were not going to be on the album were released as a free 5 song EP in July 2008. The full length album will be released in 2009 in some way. We have some very interesting offers to think about for the moment so we'll see...
Q: what you guys think about live performances? Isn’t that the greatest experience ever? So will you guys be playing any venue soon?
A:We played in Borlange, Sweden last night and we loved it! There will be plenty of more gigs next year. Hopefully more outside Sweden.
Q:Now the most crucial question of the whole interview. Who’s still single and available among you guys? HAHA! (there’s gotta be something for the girls out there to hope for!)
A:Samuel will have to deal with all that (he, he). Sorry he's the only single guy!

Q: seeing you are from Sweden, away from the British eccentrics, how would you describe the music scene in Sweden? Is it all rock and discotheque?
A:The music you hear mostly on the radio is what I call Swedish pop and it can sometimes be very boring. But it’s the only thing the music critics like. If you scratch the surface there are many great bands that you don’t hear so much about. The variety in genres is very big.
Q: what are you guys’ opinion on the whole online music era? The downloading and the promotion? You guys think it’s good or bad?
A:Both good and bad. Great if you want to be heard. Bad because it’s so much harder to earn money on music and that kills a lot of good bands.
Q: If anyone would wish to contact you all, or book a show with the band. How could they get hold of you?
Q:now before we go off, anything you guys wish to say to your fans out there and those that haven’t have a chance to hear you guys out?
A:We believe that 2009 will be the best year for Pound so far. With a new album and a tour and a lot of other exciting things. Hope to see a lot of you out there!
Great man. We love your music. And we hope to hear your new album on the radio wave really soon. All the best guys.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

AMA - American Music Awards 2008 - Nov 23 - A full Star studded performance night

The AMA – American Music Awards just finish about an hour ago. Here are the winners for the night.
Chris Brown Took home all 3 of his nominees including Artist of the Year, best male in Pop/Rock and soul/R&B. And Rihanna took home the same 2 awards in the female categories, oh what a couple.
Alicia Keys took home 2 out of her 5 nominees, which is ironically the same 2 awards for best album in both category above.
Those with the second most nominees are rock band Coldplay and veterans the Eagles which both goes home empty-handed.
Kanye West took home rap/hip-hop album and best male, who he claimed in his speech should go to Lil’ Wayne.
Taylor Swift is the new Bloom taking home best Country this year, no surprise there with a new #1 album on the chart now, and Brad Paisley again is the Best Male Country
Performance this year is fantastic as always, ranging from Miley Cyrus to Annie Lennox, who later received the lifetime achievement award. We also see the Jonas brothers this time on stage, no tripping this time, whew….
Christina Aguilera is on her first performance after giving birth. and Beyonce performs as well as Pussycat Dolls. Wait this time AMA have out done themselves. That’s isn’t even half of it. We see The Frey’s on, then all time fave, Sarah McLaclan, most award winners like Taylor Swift and Rihanna also perform their hits on stage. And one big surprises, ladies……. (that’s older than 30) Scream….!!!!!!!!!!!!!! New Kids on the Block is on stage dancing off to their own beat. Natasha Beddingfield is there and so do Mariah Carey, with his hubby Nick Cannon give a little kiss on her hand while she’s performing. Of course we have Coldplay playing their latest tune… wait…. Let me…… take a breath first….
Scream……… Alicia have a double with the Queen….. Queen Latifah that is. God could they do any better? Sure they did it and top it with Pink with the most unlikely collaborator Sarah McLaclan. And the all over Leona Lewis of course is in AMA as well.
Who’s the male lead here? Ne-yo is one of them that perform the night’s show.
Back stage and on the red carpet, we see Jesse McCartney, Paris with T-Pain to present, Lance Bass take some time off his dancing show before the finale this week. Kat Von D is here too with Nikki Sixx. Scott Weiland is on stage and got punched a few jokes by Jimmy Kimmel later. Motley Cure is here. Demi Levato is here to support her friends. Shailene Woodland is here. Oh Did we mention Jimmy Kimmel is hosting again?
Candis Cayne and Colbie Caillat is at the red carpet, so is Sarah Chalk. Wow that’s what I call a star studded evening. Oh, Richie Sambora is here too. Ai winner David Cook is among a arrivee as well as Jordin Sparks. Steven Tyler is present with Erin Brady. So do Ashley Tisdale and Jamie Foxx. Terrence Howard to present. So…… if you missed it, catch the rerun. I’m sure will be catching it once again just for the sake of it. HAHA!