Well, every Robert Bukley Fonder flounder and cry NO……………!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, the Sexy and The City bonding chick flick, Lipstick Jungle is going off the air. So do
Christian Slater’s “My Own Worst Enemy”.
Sad sad day for TV, today we also hear the news that the 14 season long Mad TV is coming to an end. The ending of the century perhaps. It seems the TV season this year is pretty gleam with shows cutting and reshuffling.
At least Lipstick is better than Cashmere this time, they played longer than Cashmere Mafia to say the least.
Friday, perfect for a movie date, but sorry girls, this week, we got no chick flicks to suggest.
There’s this one small movie about an Indian boys that became a millionaire in a TV game show to married his young love. Slumdog Millionaire, is up this week. Well, this could be a bit of a chick flick it not OSCAR material.
A really Big movie about the formation of a whole big Continent, one nation down below. Australia, the millions dollar production (hence on the Capital Plural S), Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman depict a love story about their own origin this week on the big screen. OSCAR buzz too. Now I know this could be a chick flick too. Sorry girls my bad. There are plenty of chick click to choose from this week.
A huge documentary about a little world Issue. Fuel, now we all use gas. It’s the every little thing in our lives and. It is a huge issue when it involves BIG money. So watch the documentary and decide for yourself.
And probably a period tale about a young girl to ancient time superstardom. The Duchess, Keira Knightley’s latest effort in period pieces. I wonder will we ever see Keira Not in a corset for once in a movie.
Some Preview of what coming pretty soon (relatively) to theatre, we have Michael from Halloween last year, so you’d know that Jason is not too far behind. Yup, the creepiest of all Friday is back, Friday the 13th open on February 2009. can you say Pink?!!!! Yup, the Panther will be back next year, The Pink Panther 2. For Twilight sakes…. (coming up next week.) Harry Potter , the Half Blood Prince have been postponed to next years.
Talking about sequel, this one kinda like a sequel to Dreamgirls with Beyonce singing in the movie, Cadillac Records opening this December. The 1950’s time piece is about….. the record company that did it all then.
What a little Christmas without those seasonal treats? “How About You”,Here’s something about family Love and a bunch of old folks. Funny comedy indeed. In theatre today till…. You guess it, Next Year.
Or if you are still in the Halloween mood, you might be interested in watching The Alphabet Killer, which is about thriller of crime drama suspense and ghost all in one.
And this week also marks the release of one of the most incredibly unbelievable real story. Dear Zachery, the documentary of a man trying to make a film for his murdered friend’s son Zachery. But you won’t believe what happens next… please do not search the news before you watch the movie, you’d be so shocked, it is a sad tragedy.
And from something tragic, we move to something more…. Realistic?! The Beautiful Truth, is the name but ugly bureaucrats and red tape on the back…. The story of Cancer curing with a simple Diet? You dare to try or not? Choose yourself.
Yup, the Sexy and The City bonding chick flick, Lipstick Jungle is going off the air. So do

Sad sad day for TV, today we also hear the news that the 14 season long Mad TV is coming to an end. The ending of the century perhaps. It seems the TV season this year is pretty gleam with shows cutting and reshuffling.
At least Lipstick is better than Cashmere this time, they played longer than Cashmere Mafia to say the least.
Friday, perfect for a movie date, but sorry girls, this week, we got no chick flicks to suggest.

What a little Christmas without those seasonal treats? “How About You”,Here’s something about family Love and a bunch of old folks. Funny comedy indeed. In theatre today till…. You guess it, Next Year.

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