Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chicken Do Flies or it's just my brain blowing up

Well, what a sick day this is. First the headache then the vomit. And then I thought I’m crazy. I saw a chicken flying across the highway on my way to the clinic. I’m serious, it’s not hopping, it’s totally flying all the way across the 6 lane speedway. Then there’s the incident that I got no money for my doc so I got to ATM and draw some. Then for lunch I have pasta, that’s before I flip open my magazine and there it was the total intro to Pasta this week. What a funny ting life really is. Anything is possible.
And a lot of people ask me. where the optimism comes from?
Yes, I’m the grumpy old man about a year ago. I admit. But why not? A little bit of happiness doesn’t do any harm.
There’s plenty of good times and things in this world and makes me laugh. That one line that lead to the funniest phrase in a movie script, a talk about economy that resemblance a chicken ranch is pretty amusing you must admit, and stupid people doing crazy little things is as good as any clown show. Why not have a laugh? Or would we all rather choose to be angry everyday and serious? What fun in such a life? I’m not saying we can’t be serious, but can we be happy serious than dead serious?!

Just a couple of weeks ago, something terrible terrible happen, to the old me it’d devastating and I’d simply be trap in the bullhorn and keeping thinking is there something I did? Well what happen is that as the market is dropping I lost quite a few friends too. No… No… No…. not DEAD, they just either left MySpace or Blocked me out. Yes maybe I am a bit pushy at times, or annoying too. I must beg for any of you that drop me to forgive me. This relax thing is something in progress, I’m just too excited to see all the people that care. So I Apologizes. Truly truly am sorry but if you don’t want me to send in any messages you can just say so. No reason to butt me out of your space all together. I’m just someone normal that meant no harm. No harm done either are there?

Anyway, still life goes on don’t they. I can either choose to dwell on such thing or learn from it. So I thank you too…. For reminding me the old me that sometimes do creeps up and ruinin things for me. A Really Big Thank You to you all.

So to really look at how many hits that I got on MySpace and Evol, I’ve added a counter and maps. Though the counter loading time have missed out some count but the Map shows perfect marks. Now we finally knows how many people do care. And the funniest thing is that we got about the same amount of hit in America in places and states that Obama got. Strange isn’t it.
Oh I must say something here about our Election coverage and some political comments we have on Evol. We have nothing against any political party or president. We feel it is a fact that Bush did some bad job sometimes, so do Clinton and even Kennedy or Roosevelt. Everyone does. But the fact is, American is losing money engaging in 2 unpopular war, and besides that they have virtually no good relationship in Middle East, domestically the school program in some places that only dependent on government funding is losing a lot of program that children in any country should be able to have free, (I know even education is needs money, but what is a government when it cannot give their own young citizen a future? Everyone knows they are the one going to lead the future later, we won’t want a day that comes no knowledgeable candidate at all to vote for.) and please art and music shouldn’t be second place in an educational system for God sick. At least let them have one period a week, it not too hard to ask them to have some fun while in school? somemore we are not trying to build robot here, they are children, and mental development is as important for them as and 3R. At least they'll use singing as an act of frustration that violent or guns. And health care……. Not against any people again, it is not good, it’s been building to a unbearable….. literally unobtainable luxury item now. 300 bugs for doc and pills that’s crazy….. again, Malaysia not a hugely wealthy country and my Medical bill for my stomach and headache today cost me less than 10 bucks USD including pills.
I'm not saying anything to discourage any of the American effort to build America. I sure hope that it'd become the great country I used to admire so much. (I admire still now, just not as much.) Instead I want to encourage you all. you don't have to wait for government to act. you can do it yourself. take care of your community yourself. make it safe, show compassion show your enthusiasm. one small step at a time, one small act at a time, pay it forward and we'll reach where we want to be. just like any other choice we make. I myself personally I'm Prolife myself, my choice alone. I don't believe in abortion. but I do not trust that choice should be made for me by any poeple than myself either. so I trust that collectively I am pro-choice. As for marriage whether it's same sex or different sex I don't give a damn, I sure don't think any people should tell me which one is right either. so if they want to get married just let them be. As my wise Greek friend once told me, who should we give a damn what's my friend's sexual preferense is, he is still me good friends and that's more important than knowing his choice, his own life choices. And to have stranger to decide your choice is simply...... some what nosy and ridiculous.
and to have a country based on freedom to take that choice from his very people.... seem ironic and cynical for everyone. that's all.

I know we shouldn’t be comparing. But I must admit that I understand why there are quite a few retired American here in the country I lived in. I don’t like it in it’s current state either, but health care wise I feel we are much better off (of course my pharmecuetical friend would say that the technology and system here sucks...Yes, hand counting and hand written medical history is old fashion, but at least it's affordable and the medicine is as new as any medicine in the world.). I saw this documentary on a News Channel once, about all the retired couple living outside the state away from their children and grand child, and they say they connects with phone calls weekly and their children fly over once a year to have vacation or holiday with them. (much like what my brother do these days.) they calculated their expenses and they say it’s much affordable with their retirement fund. Food a week cost 50 bucks for 2, no gas needed cos in the city there’s subway line, transportation cost about 30 a month, rent cost about 100 bucks, and that’s about it. The rest, it’s optional. Cable about 35 bucks, utility bills goes up to 35 bucks with Air-conditioned, and car cold cost more but the locals produced are pretty cheap. These old couple even have some great time at restaurant and movies (at 3 bucks a show, that’s a bargain.) every week. That’s pretty good for retirement. And some even fine some small job to do on the side.
And I think that’s great, just like my retired mom. She said she can’t think of stopping now because she’s so energize through the day she have to do something, gardening, tutoring…. She’s having a blast as a girl resting on her last quarter of her life HAHA! Even more fun than me.
So I ask why can’t we have fun while working hard. Sure we can do it if my mom can do it, no offend my mom are pretty up tight after working as a school teacher for over 40 years. And I can’t have her upstage me now HAHA!

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