Monday, November 17, 2008

TRL Total Request Live. Finale...

Damian Fahey and Carson Daly in the same house...2 generation of the TRL reign is all in the same house today to celebrate the Finale of the decade old live show.
The 3 hours long show reintroduces all the the era of host, from Carson Daly and Vanessa Minnillo, Quddus, Hilarie Burton.
just to name a few of the celeb in present for the show, Juntin Timberlake came with his old N'sync-er band mate J. C. Chasez, Kid Rock swing by, and 50 Cents gives his 50 second last word too. Hillary Duff looking fabulous walk through the red carpet, and Beyonce gave the last live TRL performance, a show stopper hailing all single women!!!!! A show stopper totally.
Now how can we miss out Miley Cyrus, Ben Stiller and Christina Arguilera who pre-tape their wishes, Diddy and Fall out Boy also take the stage to perform. Snoop Dogg who just move out of him home came in and met Nelly back stage. Plenty of review of old clips, Backstreet Boys, the News good or bad. As the show about to end, Taylor Swift swing in and Esmee Denters walk in to her first and final TRL. oh Suchin Pak, Sway, John Norris.... how it brings back memories.
Well, that's it.... the end of one great show.

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