Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Early Projection

New York,
Rhode Island and

South Carolina
West Virginia,
North Dakota and

For the Senate seat with Obama covering most of the east northern states and some of the big states, it’s projected that Democratic is going to take 52 seats at the moment which will give the Democratic party the right to fold any unfavorable filibuster in the senate.
Former Virginia Governor takes the senate seat, Mark Warner. Democrats take on seats either left by retire or trouble GOP senator in North Carolina, Hampshire, New Mexico solidifying their majority.

The House is still too early to call while currently Democrats is leading with 75 to GOP 51, 297 seats to control.
Most of the eastern and central states have close all their polls by now. The next hour we’ll see Utah, Nevada, Montana and all of the western closing the hour after that, including California, where Democrats is expected to win with a landslide victory as well as Washington, Idaho and Oregon.
The last State to close will be Sarah Palin defending State for GOP, Alaska.

** one interesting thing for the IT geeks and Entertainment geeks out there. CNN this year is trying a live beaming of hologram to the news studio room. Totally cool to see some movie science being realize. It’s history making totally. It’s a must see for all Star Trek fans

**** Some facts this year is the most expensive election campaign ever from both party, over spending the expenses through the billion mark for the first time. Double what’s been spent for the 2004 campaign on both party.

****** As usual the polling station are reporting quite a few problem and trouble on machine and lines and the systems when lawsuit are being file again at the moment.

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