Sunday, November 16, 2008

Zenith: the Musical Duo that will bring you to the next level

Zenith from the beginning is a great combination of both Sam and John, with a musically essential sound and a half alternative vocal. They created something that’s both unique yet not far from the main stream. The Duo is the British answer to Eurythmics in the 21st century. Although Sam’s voice was not as eccentric as Annie Lennox but close enough. And with proper aging, the emotion filled vocal could even surpass what’s the legend have propel in the past half century and consider the continuation of the style. This is one of the most exciting new Duo ever since I started the venture into Magazine.

Below are our exclusive interview with the dynamic duo last week. Enjoy.

Question: Let’s start getting our hands dirty here. HAHA! So shall we give an intro of the band first? How you came together, and how it felt to be right for each other (musically)?

Sam-John phoned one evening, and i think we spent nearly half an hour talking about music. It went on from there. We really did hit it off musically.

John -Sam had popped up an ad in a local music shop, to be honest I forget what it even said, but we met up....and the first time I heard her sing, and saw the energy she put into music, I knew Zenith could be something special.

Q:As far as music goes, how would you describe yours?

S-We started out as not aspiring to any particular genre. The tunes we came up without thinking 'Oh this is too Indie for us', or 'this is too poppy for us'-the tunes just shaped us as a band. So,if we are to be put into a 'slot' i would say electroaccoustic is more our sound.

J- for a long time we'd, just tried to write songs, and worry about pigeon holes later on, and I really think it's paid off. We're growing a real "zenith sound" (at least in my head we are!) I do most of the production/playing/programming....and I can play something now and know it sound like Zenith....or I could create a Synch sound and after a few minutes throw it out because it's not right for us....defining our music is for you guys to do...but I'd say our weightiest influence is the best of 90's Trip Hop.....think Lamb/Portishead/Massive Attack.....but with a bit of a current squeeze of something else....

Q: Does the composition come naturally every time when you guys try to write something? Does it work every time? How does it work really? You guys sit down and just jam on the guitar and piano? Do you get writer’s block sometimes?

S-Lol no it does not come on demand. It does not work every time. It really works when one of us has an idea, or a concept for a song. For example John comes up with a wicked melody, and i get into that melody thinking of the mood etc...and the lyrics flow-sometimes.

J- I have to say Sam is a great person to write with, sometimes I'll get complete block when it comes to lyrics...and she'll fling plenty of ideas and inspirations my way....we're also good editors of each other’s ideas...I think that’s the key.....If I'm going to suggest a line to sing it gets run through the...."is Sam going to laugh or pull a face at that check"!

Q:As an artist what are you looking forward to at this moment of your lives?
S-For me personally i would love us to be signed, and for this to be our professional job. We seem to be like cheese and pickle-it just works.
J- I've moved on from Cheese & Pickle. I'm more of a Chicken and Chorizo kinda guy. I just can't wait to get the album done....there are so many good songs we're waiting to record....

Q:So if people were to contact you for any show, who should they call and where would they go to find you?

S-At the moment i am about to have my first baby (due this week good luck Sam! JT), but is our first point of contact. John will be on there for the next month or so with me making the rare appearance. We aim to be performing February next year.....

J- Yeah we've taken the last few months off from playing live....all the electronic bits and bobs I play about with need putting together on a laptop for the full live sound....we're putting together a string of gigs in England for Feb/March....but if I know Sam she'll be itching to get to a few open mics pretty soon. so watch out Stroud/Cheltenham/Bristol

Q: what’s your thoughts about the whole internet environment now? you think it helps the music industry or does it do more harm than help it?

S-I LOVE the whole internet thing. As John knows it took me forever to figure our MySpace but once you have it cracked you can network until you go wacko. It helps with the music industry, as it shows the diverse music out there.

J- For the record Sam went a little Wacko long before she started using MySpace lots :) but totally I Love the music scene these days....I'm discovering music I love...from unsigned artists like us, that I would never have heard 10 years ago....its never going to be a level playing field in terms of earnings.....but I don't make music because a I want to get rich...I make music, because I need to, it's in me, I love it...and these days the net and downloads make it so easy to get it out there.

I'm propper saddened by the partial demise of record shops though....I remember when the big retails pushed the small independent record shops out, and now my local music megastore is chock full of DVDs and games. For me shopping for real music (see...I still don't class mp3's as real!) will always be the way I pay for music I love.....

Q:Now let’s get a little bit into your lives here. Both of you single? Any chance that the both of you would hook up? HAHA!

S- I am currently single yes. Not sure if we will be ever hooking up even though we are like an old married couple. I think my random moods would do John's head in....

J- I'm not so single. In a lot of ways Sam's more like a sister than anything else to me,

Q: So when should we be anticipating a record sale online or on CD?

S-Our EP is out in can order a copy on our MySpace page.

J- We've just pressed 1,000 copies of the first Zenith EP...which will be selling it lots of independent record shops, and will be available mail order too....release is set for mid December so keep checking the MySpace.

Q:Are there anything that you wish to get out of your chest? Tell the fans?

S-Zenith is a work in progress! 2009 looks very exciting, with more studio time on the cards, as well as album plans we look forward to showing you more Zenith

J- huh, enough about us already! This is a music column right? go buy the new Kings of Leon Album.....listen to it fairly loud, it's amazing! will play you my favorite track :)

Now now, John don’t be hasty. HAHA! Well, you are right. It is an musical interview and we thank you and Sam to take the time to join us on this interview. We appreciate it. All the best on your coming success guys…… huh….. and girl. HAHA!

Siging off,

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