The Asian audiences is finally getting their chances of views the newest season of some of the new series and the old season of a few of the unseen one.
The most famous zip code 90210 have finally arrived. And I must say by the first couple episodes it was a bit worrying. The same old formula, the same old plot? New kids on the block? New principal…. With something so scandalous as Gossip Girl around 90210 is too teensy. It’s almost close to the O.C. and with all the reality seires….. the Zip code kinda lose it’s attraction after such a long time. As I say I was worried. With Adam Gregory’s character, Ty coming up, and then Shennon Doherty’s Brenda back… I am not too much now. Of course the love rectangle seems such a small chips of the same old same old in the whole Zip Code history. Haven’t Brenda and Kelly got through them all before? Another new romance for Kelly…. I don’t know...
Of course the O.C. is gone now and in it’s place, strangely is South Beach, evolves into The Hill and there’s the real O.C.
Though the series rivalry One Tree Hill is still here. And it’s a great series that deal with real issue. The father, mother, brother and friend theme is a great one. And the continuation is a culture now.
Of course everything have it’s parity, October Road after 3 season finally have arrive to Asia too. It felt like it’s a spin off from one tree hill. Having Brian Greenberg around, a small town, loving family and friends, a history that need to resolve….. it’s not really a bad show to watch really.

Now we know that Heroes is having a rating crisis, and people are speculating it’s ending? Now exactly true. There’s none other series like this one except Smallville (how I thought that Adam Gregory would be a great Clark Kent…). Smallville have been around a long time and still going strong at the moment, but it’s just one show with the sentiment of the main character and the expansion have been a mix of both good and bad... as for Heroes…. To tell the truth I’m still interested in watching what’s happening next. The only mishap there is not is turning the Petrelli into villain and the bad guy into good one. Wrong move. What Hero really need is a love story… that never comes.

While we are on the topic of TV, this morning when I woke up, it dawn on me that I should switch to Discovery Channel, so I did. And the most amazing program came up. Bear’s Mount Everest Glider adventure. Bear Grylls’ attempt to fly in a hang glider higher than the Everest. I was mesmerized and glue to the TV and almost didn’t make it to work. As often as any expedition, there’s glitches here and there before they got to Nepal, and there’s some more problem when they are there. But the journey to that moment is totally unimaginable. The machine broken down, the failing to take off, the freezing cold that give you frost bite. It is an incredible journey just to watch and I suggest anyone with an hour of spare time should have themselves some taste of joy with these guys that made it possible.
The most famous zip code 90210 have finally arrived. And I must say by the first couple episodes it was a bit worrying. The same old formula, the same old plot? New kids on the block? New principal…. With something so scandalous as Gossip Girl around 90210 is too teensy. It’s almost close to the O.C. and with all the reality seires….. the Zip code kinda lose it’s attraction after such a long time. As I say I was worried. With Adam Gregory’s character, Ty coming up, and then Shennon Doherty’s Brenda back… I am not too much now. Of course the love rectangle seems such a small chips of the same old same old in the whole Zip Code history. Haven’t Brenda and Kelly got through them all before? Another new romance for Kelly…. I don’t know...

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