Monday, November 3, 2008

Feature Artist: Exile Parade

Exile Parade, the Rock band that can blow you socks off anytime anywhere. Yet, you can’t find a single whiff of heavy metal with them. Like any European born musician you get the Beatles syndrome down to their bones. But you do not see a single bubble gum pop in their music. Let’s just call it, sensual Rock. Or what the Americans like to call it, European Rock. And if you ask me, I’ll have them in my club anything and blow off all the glasses in the pub anytime. Here’s the interview we have with the guitarist Phil.

Hey there. Nice of you to join us today for an interview.
Let’s get down to business, shall we?

Q: So you guys been around for a few years. I’ve even see your sound in some underground music store. So since you guys are bit underground, let’s shade some light on who you guys are?
A: We're Exile Parade from Warrington, in between Manchester and Liverpool so we've got a pretty good music heritage.

Q: How would you describe your music? Rock? Metal? Mental? ha
A: It's not something I ever really think about but it's always something as a band you get asked. All we do is write songs that we want to write because that's the only way you can write great songs. Once you start writing for a specific genre or some sort of f**king target market then you lose the edge that makes you great. But if you want a general description I suppose we would fall under the rock umbrella but I think that's probably quite misleading - just give it a listen.

Q: Who would you say are your main influences in your style?
A: Well like I said growing up in between Manchester and Liverpool you would have to walk around with ear muffs on to not be influenced to some degree by the bands that have come from where we live. So bands like the The Beatles, Oasis and The Smiths are an influence but at the same time I don't think we sound anything like those bands. We've been produced by Owen Morris who also produced Oasis so you can certainly hear that influence in the recordings. We're not musical snobs so we'll listen to pretty much anything as long as it's music made with a bit of bollocks.

Q: So how you guys jam out the music you guys play live? Garage band? Or one of you would write something and the rest just fall into place? Which comes first? Lyrics or music or just a beat?
A: It changes all the time. For a song to be as good as you want it to be every member of the band has got to be on top of their game. We all know what we're good at so it's very much a collective effort. There's no set rules and that's the way it should be.

Q:Just out of curiosity? What you guys thinks about pop bands (usually called boys band) like Take That, Westlife and say…… N’sync?
A: Don't care about them. Really are insignificant. I don't have an opinion on them - they do what they do well and I'm not going to criticize them for it.

Q:I see that you guys have a lot of live shows line up. So what is the most often gig you guys play? Bar and Pub? Or small concert or open air concert?
A: We're in a strange place at the moment. We have a record deal in Europe so when we play there we could be playing a festival in front of 10,000 people or when we play other places where we're less well known it's a lot less. But we like playing live so we'll do a gig anywhere and make sure everyone there is blown away by it.

Q:How could someone get hold of your CD/downloads?
A: Same as everything at these days just get on the internet and it won't take you long to find it.

Q: If some agent would like to book you guys for a show. Who should they contact?
A: Like I say just get on the MySpace, or whatever and I'm sure you'll get hold of us somehow.

Q: Any last wishes before with close this off? Anything you guys like to say to your friends, fans and the new ones?
A: I'll be seeing my family and friends later so no need for messages but if you're offering me wishes I'll have a number one album and Man City to win the league.
Oh Not a Man U fan? HAHA! Well, break a leg guys. I’ll hope to see you guys in a show in the future really soon. All the best. And thanks for taking the time again for our interview.

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