Thursday, November 27, 2008

A slight change of heart

For month’s I’ve been pondering on writing something.
We races through life or rather we mindlessly walk through life a lot of the time, rarely realizing we spend about 90% of our time repeating the same action and thinking the same idea over and over again. one truth stick, which is, if you are thinking or doing the same thing all the while then how do you expect that your life would change?
The routine and the habits they just keeps coming, which is strange, the more we think about it the more possibility that it will occur again.
So we change our hearts. Change our pace. Slow it down, push it forward and run faster. When we slow down we see clearer, when we run we feel happier and when we push forward we forget about what ever little failure and we move on enthusiastically.
Exercise 45 min before work. Sing and dance after work, think when I’m driving and bathing. And rest when I’m asleep. That’s about all my life is. You are what about my job? I have 500 task piled up on my day job and 1000 more on my part time which one you refer to? But there’s no rush so why bother worry? Just sort them out finish one at a time. The number never changes? Why want to reduce them? in this economy, at least 10% of my friends are afraid they have a job that have no task for them and eventually would ask them to take compulsory leave and in the end sag them. I… got a job and I’m doing it, so why worry when there’s really nothing to be worry about? It’s just work, do it and then get on with my life.
It is funny when we fear or worry. I found out that it’s ourselves that created the unnecessary stress. Reason? If you think about it clearly there’s none, it’s just fear. You fear your boss don’t know who you are, you fear there’s no raise…. When the answer maybe just the opposite. Mind tricks that’s what I call them. if you can’t change it then I suggest you accept them as part of life, live with it and brush it off like dust on your shoulder, ashes to ashes, dust to dust don’t come and bother me HAHA! Live in the moment. Enjoy every moment there is. I saw an article on Men’s Health the other day. An interview of Twilight star Cam Gigandet, words well said, as in any audition, "You’re selling a product that happens to be yourself. That brings out so many insecurities. There’s so much fear of failure because it’s so rampant, it’s everywhere. It was paralyzing to the point where I couldn’t get work or enjoy anything. To get where I am, I had to learn to live with fear. It’s all fear. You have to let go of that and keep moving forward."
"You can be as frustrated as you want, but you still have to show up for work. People don’t want to hear about it if you’re frustrated with your big career break. You still have to have a sense of gratitude and professionalism no matter what you do. I’ve been mad at everyone and everything at times. Deal with it at home."
Life is a roller coaster ride, you fall off the wagon, you get back on and smile and continue your journey.

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