Throughout my life, I have very few moments that I ‘m really into the Chinese music culture. One part of it is because I have been in it for the better first part of my life. Listening to some of the best out there. Then after a long while I got bored and felt the modern Chinese music had lost it’s attraction for me. It’s now to me either about fame or gossip. Those that consider without news value, not musical value, is the only one that persisted.

Tanya Chua is her name, what’s most amazing about her is that she is your normal girl, at her debut, she’d even seem chubby to viewers, she have the dullest voice you’d ever hear, but the most remarkable thing is that every time she sings you’d know she is a great singer, because every tone she sang she turn her dull voice into a valuable find. The most amazing feeling you’d have, like finding some treasure every minute of her songs. That’s what experience is about. You sing in a pub and bar, hardly anyone notice you and everyone could ignore you. You learn to adapt, you learn to change and observe how you could attract people. And from there meeting all kinds of people you learn to deal with them, even in interviews the demeanor is openly graceful. You can talk about anything with her openly, and she’d give you one of the most honest answer you’d get from any artist. Fearless, yet you are not getting anything about her. She’s still the mysterious girl, generously open, but shrouded by yet a mystical sense.
She started with an English album when internet is just a game. Then the record company caught up with her and take her to Taiwan to release an album in a language she hardly speaks. She takes the challenge and go with it. And in return it’s just that, deserving success. That’s how natural she puts it. Success is one part of the story and failing in times is also just a part of the journey. When she felt like she is on the brink of losing it all she decided to let down and go away, Europe, Yoga. She took her escape, and God always have a funny way to she her back, the year she was going to give it up, the award show adorn her with every possible honor they can give. And naturally she picks up the guitar and writes again. (we can see that she did struggle on the decision to stay or leave, and the most important thing is that once she decided she did not look back) that’s how she is, naturally leave her mark while the universe chart it’s course. She just take a step and move on with it.
A remarkable woman, great vocalist and be one with the life she lead.

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