Friday, November 14, 2008

News Reel: Thanks for the amazing 1000 hits per day support!!!!!!

Thanks to everyone that view in to our blog. It’s a humbling experience and a greatly celebrated one among our friends.
The 1000 hits per day record is smashed yesterday on both our counter and maps record….
It is great. Thank you all for this realization. We will continue to work hard to bring you as much of life as we can.
It seems that news are rolling in big time this week.
Our thoughts are with those with home on the Montecito area, may you wage through the blaze unscathed.
We wouldn’t want to promote on the situation certain Jonas Brother have with Swift. I always think that anything personal should stay personal. To bare teeth in public is just plain ugly. No one would get anything out of it but prolonged grief and bitterness. I hope both party will calm down soon and realize that it’s just life. Deal with it and move on.
And the Greek finally got their kids….. HAHA! My Big Fat Greek Wedding star and writer Nia Vardalos and hubby Ian Gomez is the Happy Parent of their daughter today, they have secretly putting on effort to adopt their daughter. Our million Congratulations to the blessed couple!!!!!
And we might just see Hilary Duff back on TV as a fixture to NBC Schedule. Finger cross.
Our Congratulation to Prince Charles of England as well on his big 60!!! May you have a Happy day and many more to come.
Ding Ding!!!! Calling all Teenage Girls….. Screammmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!! One Week Before the release of Twilight, The producer has acquired the right to the next 3 sequels and writing will start right away. And unlikely to miss the mark that Twilight will have sequel coming pretty soon. Thanks to the record breaking preshow ticket sales. And to continue breaking the records, Twilight OST actually break the sales in Album and hit #1 on its debut.
And Sister Act is getting the British Royal Treatment next June. The 1992 nun hit comedy is going on West End as a Musical version, produced by Whoopi Goldberg. Break a Leg girl……

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